Glow который на лампочке (Noise)


Вопрос: Как проанимировать шум который лежит на глове?
Не просто чтобы двигался а чтобы шумел.

Или, можно ли назначить туда вмпесто стандартного шума какую нибудь другую карту?


Только не надо - ля ля. Там есть офсеты, скейлы и порог, а больше там нифига нету.

P.S. А вы сами то туда заглядывали?
Ну да, ну да...А эти атрибуты, я, наверное, сам придумал?

active (act) bool true
Active controls whether the light glow is on or not. Turn off Active to make the effect disappear.

glowType (gt) enum LINEAR_GLOW
Glow Type controls the appearance of the light glow. Possible settings are:
None: No glow.
Linear: Glow slowly diminishes from the center of the light

Exponential: Glow quickly diminishes from the center of the light

Ball: Glow diminishes faster towards a distance (from the light center) specified by the Glow Spread attribute.

Lens Flare: Lower frequencies (red) refract (or spread) more than the higher frequencies (blue).

Rim Halo: This is like Lens Flare, but the Glow starts at a certain distance from the light, controlled by the Glow Spread attribute.

haloType (ht) enum 0
Halo Type controls the type of halo the light produces when viewed directly. Halo is similar to Glow, except that the falloff is more gradual. The available types are:
None: No halo.
Linear: Halo slowly diminishes from the center of the light

Exponential: Halo quickly diminishes from the center of the light

Ball: Halo diminishes faster towards a distance (from the light center) specified by the Halo Spread attribute.

Lens Flare: Simulates a bright light source illuminating the surfaces of several camera lenses. The intensity of the flare is determined by the Halo Intensity attribute. The size of the flare circles is relative to the field of view of the camera.

Rim Halo: Forms a circular ring with a soft central glow. The size of the ring is controlled by the Halo Spread attribute.

fogType (ft) short 0
What type of fog (this feature is not implemented).

lensFlare (lf) bool false
Lens Flare Simulates a bright light source illuminating the surfaces of several camera lenses. The intensity of the flare is determined by the Flare Intensity attribute. The size of the flare circles created is relative to the field of view of the camera. The Lens Flare attribute is not available for ambient lights.

glowColor (gc) float3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Glow Color controls the basic color of the light glow..

glowColorR (gr) float 0.0
The red component of Glow Color.

glowColorG (gg) float 0.0
The green component of Glow Color.

glowColorB (gb) float 0.0
The blue component of Glow Color.

haloColor (hc) float3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Halo Color controsl the basic color of the Halo.

haloColorR (hr) float 0.0
The red component of Halo Color.

haloColorG (hg) float 0.0
The red component of Halo Color.

haloColorB (hb) float 0.0
The red component of Halo Color.

fogColor (fc) float3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
The fog color (not implemented).

fogColorR (fr) float 0.0
The red component of the fog color (not implemented).

fogColorG (fg) float 0.0
The red component of the fog color (not implemented).

fogColorB (fb) float 0.0
The red component of the fog color (not implemented).

flareColor (rc) float3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Flare Color controls the basic color of Lens Flare.

flareColorR (rr) float 0.0
The red component of Flare Color.

flareColorG (rg) float 0.0
The red component of Flare Color.

flareColorB (rb) float 0.0
The red component of Flare Color.

flareIntensity (fi) float 1.0
Flare Intensity controls the brightness of the flare effect.

flareNumCircles (fn) float 20.0
Flare Num Circles controls the number of circles in the flare effect.
If Num Circles is very large, rendering times may be Tint32, especially if Flare Min Size and Flare Max Size are large, and Flare Color is textured.

flareMinSize (fm) float 0.1
Flare Min Size: The size of the lens flare circles is randomized between the Flare Min Size and Flare Max Size. These sizes are relative to the view of the camera.

flareMaxSize (fa) float 1.0
Flare Max Size. See Flare Min Size.

flareColSpread (lc) float 0.5
Flare Col Spread: The hue of flare color is randomized, centered on the Flare Color value. Increase Flare Col Spread to allow more variation in the colors.
Note that this will have seem to have no effect if the base color of the flare is white or a shade of grey.

flareFocus (ff) float 0.6
Flare Focus controls the sharpness of the circle edges. Increase this value to make the circles sharper.

flareVertical (fv) float 1.0
Flare Vertical and Flare Horizontal control the axis of the flare relative to the center of the image. If the light source moves, the flare will appear to rotate through this point.

flareHorizontal (fh) float 1.0
Flare Horizontal: See Flare Vertical (above)

flareLength (fl) float 1.0
Flare Length controls the length of the flare effect relative to the light location. If Flare Length is small, all circles will overlap the light. If Flare Length is large, the circles will spread out across the image.
The Flare Length value has no effect if the Flare Vertical and Flare Horizontal attributes are both 0.

hexagonFlare (hf) bool false
Hexagon Flare makes the flare elements shaped like hexagons rather than circles.

glowIntensity (gi) float 1.0
Glow Intensity controls the brightness of the glow. As the Intensity value increases, so does the apparent size of the glow effect. A negative Glow Intensity value subtracts from other glows.

haloIntensity (hi) float 1.0
Halo Intensity controls the brightness of the halo. As the Intensity value increases, so does the apparent size of the halo effect.

fogIntensity (oi) float 1.0
Fog intensity (not implemented).

glowSpread (gs) float 1.0
Glow Spread controls the size of the glow effect.

haloSpread (hs) float 1.0
Halo Spread controls the size of the halo effect. Halo Spread also controls the size of the glow if Glow Type is set to Rim Halo. Halo size is gererally larger than glow size when their spreads are the same.

fogSpread (fs) float 1.0
Fog spread (not implemented).

glowNoise (gd) float 0.0
Glow Noise controls the appearance of of noise (random fluctuations) in the glow.

fogNoise (fd) float 0.0
Fog 2Dnoise (not implemented)

glowRadialNoise (gn) float 0.0
Glow Radial Noise randomizes the spread of the glow to simulate starburst effects and eyelashes refracting light. Negative values of Glow Radial Noise produce thicker noise

fogRadialNoise (fz) float 0.0
Fog radial noise (not implemented)

glowStarLevel (gv) float 3.0
Glow Star Level simulates camera star filter effects.

fogStarlevel (fe) float 0.0
Fog star level (not implemented)

glowOpacity (go) float 0.0
Glow Opacity controls the amount that the light's glow obscures objects behind it. Increase Glow Opacity to make it obscure objects more.

fogOpacity (fo) float 0.0
Fog opacity (not implemented)

radialFrequency (rf) float 0.5
Radial Frequency controls the frequency of the Radial Noise. Increase this to make the noise more fine-grained.

starPoints (sp) float 4.0
Star Points controls the number of points on glow star filter effects. Set Star Points to 1 to produce a comet-like effect, or more points to make a more regular, star-like glow effect.

rotation (ra) float 0.0
Rotation controls the rotated position of the star points. You can animate this to make the light glows seem to "roll".

noiseUscale (nu) float 1.0
Noise U Scale is used to scale the noise (random fluctuations) in the glow. Increasing Noise U Scale will seem to compress the noise vertically.

noiseVscale (nv) float 1.0
Noise V Scale is used to scale the noise (random fluctuations) in the glow. Increasing Noise V Scale will seem to compress the noise horizontally.

noiseUoffset (ni) float 1.0
Noise U Offset can be used to move the noise vertically.

noiseVoffset (nf) float 0.5
Noise V Offset can be used to move the noise horizontally.

noiseThreshold (nt) float 0.5
Noise Threshold is the cutoff value for the 2d noise. As Threshold approaches 0, the noise breaks up into smaller patches.


Я спрашиваю как проанимировать шум который лежит на глове?
Не просто чтобы двигался а чтобы шумел. Параметр типа Phase.
Чтобы он не двигался в какую нибудь сторону и не масштабировался а именно шумел (чтобы менялась форма пятен).

Мне не нужны все параметры глова. Меня интересует шум.
Этими параметрами его не заставишь шуметь.
noiseUscale (nu) float 1.0
Noise U Scale is used to scale the noise (random fluctuations) in the glow. Increasing Noise U Scale will seem to compress the noise vertically.

noiseVscale (nv) float 1.0
Noise V Scale is used to scale the noise (random fluctuations) in the glow. Increasing Noise V Scale will seem to compress the noise horizontally.

noiseUoffset (ni) float 1.0
Noise U Offset can be used to move the noise vertically.

noiseVoffset (nf) float 0.5
Noise V Offset can be used to move the noise horizontally.

noiseThreshold (nt) float 0.5
Noise Threshold is the cutoff value for the 2d noise. As Threshold approaches 0, the noise breaks up into smaller patches.
Скажу по секрету - на эти параметры можно навесить текстуру или экспрешен.. Или проанимировать их...или и то и другое...
Дело в том, юноша, что что я не только пробовал. но и делал... А раз у Вас для подобного мероприятия руки с головой не дружат, то вот и получается, что "каклякаете" Вы губами рта, вместо того, чтобы думать мозгом головы и реализовывать пришедшие в извилины вышеупомянутого мозга головы умные мысли пальцами рук на клавиатуре мыши...

Попрошайка из новых русских....


ЭфОдин хватит выпендриваться типа:
"на эти параметры можно навесить текстуру или экспрешен.. Или проанимировать их...или и то и другое..."
"я не только пробовал. но и делал... ",

Ты скажи как - тогда я поверю, что ты тут самый великий спецотвечало.
"Как" в смысле "как именно"? И файл прислать по почте? И за ушком почесать?
"Как именно", батенька, денег стоит... Давай сюда твоего заказчика, если сам задачу сделать не можешь...авось мы с ним договоримся...


ЭфОдин заказчик я изанимаюсь так, для души а вот ты или уже считаешь себя Богом (и не можешь признать что чего то не можешь) или просто слишком повернулся на Майе (и не можешь признать что она чего то не может).
Ну, для "твоей души" я вряд ли буду что-то делать....Как заказчик ты не внушаешь особого доверия...

P.S. Есть еще третья возможность, которую ты упустил: Я не бог, майа умеет не все, а Ты не умеешь делать правильные выводы...Потому как что-то с логикой...