Есть такие интересные файлы, как *.nfo. Иногда, прежде чем кликать на install, полезно их почитать (см. ниже). По-моему все предельно ясно.
Burn this baby with your favorite CDR software. іі
іі іі
і| (Cracks/licence are in Cracks dir on CD) |і
і: :і
і. run autorun.exe .і
і і
і click install maya і
і і
і choose to install maya unlimited (why go for less) і
і skip the license installation, doing it by hand is so much more fun... і
і і
і Installing a Maya3 floating license server: і
і і
і overwrite c:\aw\com\etc\sgiawd.exe with the provided harvest і
і sgiawd.exe і
і і
і open the provided aw1.dat in your favorite texteditor, edit the part і
і that says <your computer> to the name of your machine (in doubt, run і
і "hostname" in a cmd prompt). і
і if you have other flexlm servers running, port 744 might be taken і
і allready and you can put a different port in the SERVER line. і
і edit the path for sgiawd.exe to where you installed it. і
і і
і save the file as c:\flexlm\aw_servername.dat (this MUST be on the c: і
і drive) і
і - where servername again is replaced with the name of your computer і
і і
і run c:\aw\com\bin\lmtools.exe (or from whatever drive you installed і
і maya to) і
і і
і check "configuration using services" і
і select the "configure services" tab і
і і
і enter a Service Name (maya3flex for example) і
і click next to each of the path fields to browse for your file і
і locations і
і і
і c:\AW\COM\etc\lmgrd.exe і
і C:\FLEXlm\aw_servername.dat і
і C:\FLEXlm\aw_servername.log (if the file is not allready there, just і
і enter the path) і
і і
і check "use services" and "start server at powerup" if you want to і
і start up the license server when you start windows і
і click "Save Service" - and "Yes" і
і go to the "Start/Stop/Reread" tab і
і select the maya3flex service you just created and click "Start Server" і
і і
і all this flex stuff offcause won't work if you don't have the TCP/IP і
і stack running - the MS loopback driver is fine if you don't have a і
і network card. і
і і
і Have Phun! і
і і
і Big thanks to Harvest ! і