UVW mapping by elements (+random)

Александр Якушев

Активный участник
Помогите доработать скриптик для мапинга. Понимаю, что тема изъезжена, но все же.

Есть скрипт, который почти устраивает, но вот хотелось бы реализовать в нем нормальную функцию поэлементного мапинга. По сути - пообъектный мапинг, только работа с элементами.

Попытался реализовать с помощью поэлементного наложения модификаторов, но получается коряво. Наверняка есть простой и более изящный способ. Подскажите, пожалуйста.
Вот сам скриптик:

--macroScript UVW_mapping category:"AlexY" buttonText:"UVW_mapping"


fn getelements obj=
			for i=1 to f do
			if (finditem done i)==0 then
													case (classof obj) of
													editable_mesh:(faces=(meshop.getElementsUsingFace obj #(i)) as array)
													editable_poly:(faces=(polyop.getElementsUsingFace obj #(i)) as array)
													append eles faces
													join done faces
		return eles

fn getGeomOnlyObj = 
	local theGeomObj = #()
	local theCount = selection.count
	if theCount != 0 do for i in selection do	if superclassof i == GeometryClass do append theGeomObj i
	try select theGeomObj catch()
fn deleteModifiers obj =
	local deleteClasses = #(Uvwmap) 
	try( for i = obj.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 where findItem deleteClasses (classof obj.modifiers[i]) != 0  do deleteModifier obj obj.modifiers[i])catch()
rollout uvw "UVW maping (sel only)"  
(	-- start rollout standart_uvw "standart UVW map (selection obj)" 
		group "Fast mapping (Instanced):"
			button b2 "1k_1k_1k ch1"  across:2
			button b3 "2k_2k_2k ch2"
			button b1 "Create UVW Map by size"
			button b4 "Delete all UVW map"
		group "Other mapping (by obj or elem):"
			button b5 "Mapping by obj" across:2
			checkBox btnCheck "Fit" checked:false align: #center
			button b6 "Mapping OBJ by elements" align: #left
			dropdownlist typeMap "MapType:" items:#("Planar", "Cylindrical", "Spherical", "Shrink Wrap", "Box") selection:5

			label lab1 "Aligment:" across:2
			radioButtons rdo1 "" columns:3 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") default:3
			spinner theL "Length:" range:[-100000,100000,500] align:#right width:100  type:#worldunits across:2
			spinner randX "randX:" range:[-100000,100000,0] align:#right  type:#worldunits width:80
			spinner theW "Width:" range:[-100000,100000,500] align:#right width:100  type:#worldunits across:2
			spinner randY "randY:" range:[-100000,100000,0] align:#right  type:#worldunits width:80
			spinner theH "Height:" range:[-100000,100000,500] align:#right width:100 type:#worldunits  across:2
			spinner randZ "randZ:" range:[-100000,100000,0] align:#right  type:#worldunits  width:80
			label pust "" across:2
			spinner randRot "randRotate:" range:[0,360,0] align:#right  type:#float
			spinner theMapChan "Map Channel:" range:[1,100,1] align:#right  type:#integer

	on typeMap selected i do	format "%\n" typeMap.items[i]

	on b1 pressed do --start button b1 "Create UVW Map by size"
		local theUVWmap = (UVWMap()) 
		theUVWmap.maptype = typeMap.selection - 1
		theUVWmap.mapChannel = theMapChan.value
		try(theUVWmap.length = theL.value)catch()
		try(theUVWmap.width = theW.value)catch()
		try(theUVWmap.height = theH.value)catch()
		SetCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
		try(modPanel.addModToSelection theUVWmap)catch()
		)	--end button b1 "Create UVW Map by size"
	on b2 pressed do -- start button b2 "1k_1k_1k ch1" 
		local theUVWmap = (UVWMap()) 
		theUVWmap.maptype = 4
		theUVWmap.mapChannel = 1
		try theUVWmap.length = 1000 catch()
		try(theUVWmap.width = 1000)catch()
		try(theUVWmap.height = 1000)catch()
		SetCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
		try(modPanel.addModToSelection theUVWmap)catch()
		) -- end button b2 "1k_1k_1k ch1" 
	on b3 pressed do -- start button b3 "2k_2k_2k ch2"
		local theUVWmap = (UVWMap()) 
		theUVWmap.maptype = 4
		theUVWmap.mapChannel = 2
		try(theUVWmap.length = 2000)catch()
		try(theUVWmap.width = 2000)catch()
		try(theUVWmap.height = 2000)catch()
		SetCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
		try(modPanel.addModToSelection theUVWmap)catch()
		)	-- end button b3 "2k_2k_2k ch2"	
	on b4 pressed do  -- start button b4 "Delete all UVW map"
		for obj in selection do deleteModifiers obj
		) -- end button b4 "Delete all UVW map"

	on btnCheck changed theState do  -- start checkBox btnCheck "Fit"
		try theL.enabled = not btnCheck.state catch()
		try theW.enabled = not btnCheck.state catch()
		try theH.enabled = not btnCheck.state catch()
		) --end checkBox btnCheck "Fit"

	on b5 pressed do -- start button b5 "Mapping by obj" 
			local theSelOBJ = selection as array
			for i in theSelOBJ do
					select i
					local theUVWmap = (UVWMap()) 
							theUVWmap.maptype = typeMap.selection - 1
							theUVWmap.mapChannel = theMapChan.value
							try theUVWmap.length = theL.value catch()
							try theUVWmap.width = theW.value catch()
							try theUVWmap.height =theH.value catch()
							try theUVWmap.axis = rdo1.state - 1 catch()
				if btnCheck.state == false then  addModifier i theUVWmap
																	theUVWmap.length = if rdo1.state == 3 then (i.max.y - i.min.y) else if  rdo1.state == 2 then (i.max.z - i.min.z) else (i.max.y - i.min.y) 
																	theUVWmap.width = if rdo1.state == 3 then (i.max.y - i.min.y) else if  rdo1.state == 2 then (i.max.y - i.min.y) else (i.max.z - i.min.z) 
																	theUVWmap.height = if rdo1.state == 3 then (i.max.z - i.min.z) else if  rdo1.state == 2 then (i.max.y - i.min.y) else (i.max.x - i.min.x)
																addModifier i theUVWmap
					i.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.x = random -randX.value randX.value
					i.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.y = random -randY.value randY.value
					i.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.z = random -randZ.value randZ.value
				select theSelOBJ
		)-- end button b5 "Mapping by obj" 
		on b6 pressed do -- start button b6 "Mapping OBJ by elements"
				SetCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
				if selection.count == 1 then
						local theOBJ = $
						local theElemObj = getelements theOBJ
						for i = 1 to (getelements theOBJ).count do
						local theEditMesh = (Edit_Mesh name:(uniquename "EM_uvw_"))
						modPanel.addModToSelection theEditMesh
						subObjectLevel = 4
						local theUVWmap = (UVWMap()) 
								theUVWmap.maptype = typeMap.selection - 1
								theUVWmap.mapChannel = theMapChan.value
								theUVWmap.length = theL.value
								theUVWmap.width = theW.value 
								theUVWmap.height =theH.value 
								theUVWmap.axis = rdo1.state - 1 
						SetFaceSelection theOBJ theElemObj[i]
						modPanel.addModToSelection theUVWmap
						theOBJ.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.x = random -randX.value randX.value
						theOBJ.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.y = random -randY.value randY.value
						theOBJ.modifiers[1].gizmo.pos.z = random -randZ.value randZ.value
						theOBJ.modifiers[1].gizmo.rotation = if rdo1.state == 3 then ((angleaxis (random -randRot.value randRot.value) [0,0,1]) as quat)
																									else if  rdo1.state == 2 
																										then ((angleaxis (random -randRot.value randRot.value) [0,1,0]) as quat) 
																										else ((angleaxis (random-randRot.value randRot.value) [1,0,0]) as quat)	
							update theOBJ
					)else (print "Please select one object")
				)-- end button b6 "Mapping OBJ by elements"
)	createdialog 	uvw 210 360	

--tested in Max 2013