Flash-Drive-Dogs: The epic battle
- Автор темы FireStarter
- Дата создания
- Рейтинг
- 288
Вот тут показано, вкратце скачиваешь плагин, потом нажимаешь одну кнопку и готово
Just to cover the session here:
1. Download the free AO plugin from http://plugins.angstraum.at/vrayao/index.htm
2. Install it on your 3DsMax. (simple drag & drop plugin)
3. Go find it under your tools->ml_plugins->VRay ambient occlusion
4. Select the VrayPhysCam and adjust the ISO (make some quick test renders in order to see that you’re getting the right exposure)
5. Render your AO pass, save it!
6. Open it with Photoshop and add it upon your render (base layer).
7. Change the adjustment mode from “Normal” to “Multiple”.
8. Adjust the “color balance” to fit the image atmosphere.
9. Adjust the “levels” / “curves” in order to increase the expression of the dark areas.
10. Lower the opacity, try to stay under 50% for more natural look.
11. Add mask and remove the AO appearance from unwanted places.
12. Save the image and prepare for more
Вот тут показано, вкратце скачиваешь плагин, потом нажимаешь одну кнопку и готово
Just to cover the session here:
1. Download the free AO plugin from http://plugins.angstraum.at/vrayao/index.htm
2. Install it on your 3DsMax. (simple drag & drop plugin)
3. Go find it under your tools->ml_plugins->VRay ambient occlusion
4. Select the VrayPhysCam and adjust the ISO (make some quick test renders in order to see that you’re getting the right exposure)
5. Render your AO pass, save it!
6. Open it with Photoshop and add it upon your render (base layer).
7. Change the adjustment mode from “Normal” to “Multiple”.
8. Adjust the “color balance” to fit the image atmosphere.
9. Adjust the “levels” / “curves” in order to increase the expression of the dark areas.
10. Lower the opacity, try to stay under 50% for more natural look.
11. Add mask and remove the AO appearance from unwanted places.
12. Save the image and prepare for more
- Рейтинг
- 288
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