Не работает Batch Render!! Раньше с подобным не сталкивался...
- This scene contains nodes with animated visibility, this requires Optimize Non-animated Display Visibility to be turned off.
- Node |polySurface3 has animated visibility.
- Node camera2 has animated visibility.
- backmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If backmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- bumpmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If bumpmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- file2 has a resolution of 3330x3488 which may be inefficient.
- If file2 is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- file3 has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If file3 is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- frontmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If frontmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- list_for_maya_4
SD_lambert3_color has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If list_for_maya_4
SD_lambert3_color is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- list_for_maya_4:file1 has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If list_for_maya_4:file1 is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- list_for_maya_4:file3 has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If list_for_maya_4:file3 is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- proekt___list_UV_map_shader:backmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If proekt___list_UV_map_shader:backmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- proekt___list_UV_map_shader:bumpmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If proekt___list_UV_map_shader:bumpmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- proekt___list_UV_map_shader:frontmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If proekt___list_UV_map_shader:frontmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- proekt___list_UV_map_shader:specmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If proekt___list_UV_map_shader:specmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- proekt___list_UV_map_shader:sssmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If proekt___list_UV_map_shader:sssmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- specmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If specmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
- sssmap has a resolution of 2048x2048 which may be inefficient.
- If sssmap is not a memory mappable file, use imf_copy to convert it to .map format, to improve the performance.
// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/scripts/mentalrayDiagnostic.mel line 524: 32 warnings, see script editor for details. //