Ну а как вам такое?

"Думаю, что SGI продала Alias не от хорошей жизни - ее когдато хваленые силиконы уже и рядом не стоят с системами на windows."

Весьма спорное утверждение.

"Но радоватся надо хотя бы потому, что alias не купил apple - тогда точно надо было бы переходить на что-то новое."

Тоже спорное. Вы, наверное, мака в жизни не видели...

Accel-KKR is affiliated with Accel Partners, one of the world's largest and
most respected early stage venture capital firms, and KKR, one of the
world's largest and most respected non-technology-oriented private equity
firms. Accel-KKR is a technology-focused private equity firm that provides
growth capital to targeted technology companies, Accel-KKR has a solid track
record of providing growth capital to targeted technology companies;
Accel-KKR's principals have successfully invested in over 150
growth-oriented technology companies over the past 20 years. For more
details, visit

As for "does this mean good or bad things for your average Maya user?",
Accel-KKR are committed to support our growth, and are a "patient investor",
not "quick-flip" trolls focused on squeezing out maximum short-term
bottom-line profits.
So when we are an independent entity, we'll be able to further invest in
existing and new business. This means we have solid backing (by folks who
"get" the software industry) to make Maya even better and provide you with
better support and services.

Hope this helps.

Shai Hinitz
Product Manager, Maya
Alias, Toronto
А еще мне нравится последняя фраза

"Our plan is to accelerate investment in the product and service
areas that provide the greatest payback for our entertainment and design
customers. Our new partnership with Accel-KKR will facilitate this
activity, providing long-term patient capital and other strategic
resources to help us thrive as an independent enterprise." The sale is
expected to close this quarter..."
... золотые слова!

Думаю, что даже если Accel-KKR не оправдает своих надежд, то все опять продадут, надеюсь, в хорошие руки :)

...короче, Maya не умрет!"