Max 8 !!!


Активный участник
Autodesk 3ds Max 8 software will offer new asset management,
character development, UV mapping, and scripting tools
designed to maximize your productivity and help you
tackle your most challenging projects.

Asset Management
Character Development
UV Pelt Mapping
Scripting and SDK Development Tools

Вы сравните с улучшениями сделанными в Maya7, и вы поймет как далеко ушёл 3DMax с его новой версией %)

Integrated Alias MotionBuilder® technology, and enhancements to deformers and skinning tools make animating characters faster, easier and more accurate.
· The industry's leading full-body IK solver makes rigging and posing characters faster and easier, and enables the natural articulation of biped and quadruped models.
· Deformations are now more flexible.
· Collaborative, parallel workflows are supported through the ability to iteratively substitute geometry while
skinning, deformation, and key framing are in progress, and to propagate topology changes to blend shape targets.

With numerous new polygonal modeling and mapping tools, Maya 7 delivers the industry's most well rounded, comprehensive modeling feature set.
· New polygon modeling functionality enhances modeling productivity and provides greater control
over form.
· Faster, easier texturing is made possible with powerful new UV tools.
· New and enhanced tools are available for scene optimization without loss of detail—particularly valuable to game developers.

Maya 7 continues to innovate with unique tools for specialized visual effects. · A powerful Toon Shader supports a wide range of non-photorealistic rendering styles and features interactive previews in near real-time. Maya Paint Effects™ also benefits from the real-time mesh preview.
· Maya Fur is integrated with Maya's dynamic curve technology, allowing realistic dynamics to be applied, and Fur and Hair to be used together easily.
· Maya Hair can be transplanted from one model to another, and it delivers support for texture mapping of attributes such as baldness and color. Hair can also be rendered directly in mental ray for Maya.
· Numerous enhancements to Maya Cloth extend the usability and power of this production-proven tool.
· Per-object attributes and support for transparency bring new creative possibilities to the Maya vector renderer.
· A new High Detail Solve mode for Maya Fluid Effects makes the realistic simulation of complex explosions even easier.

Streamline your workflow between Maya and Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe Illustrator®,
Macromedia® Flash® and popular CAD applications. · Re-architected render layers technology allows multiple passes from any combination of the four Maya renderers, or third party plug-in renderers, to be prepared for optimal output to the compositor of choice. Plus, layers can be rendered to Adobe Photoshop (PSD) and Macromedia Flash (SWFT) files.
· Enhanced connectivity with Photoshop also includes "round-tripping" with the 3D Paint tool, automatic conversion of procedurals to PSD, and direct launching of the package from within Maya.
· Connectivity with Adobe Illustrator provides an iterative workflow for creating 3D animated models from 2D vector data.
· Support for both ATI™ ASHLI and Nvidia® CgFX plug-ins allow hardware shaders written for next-generation games platforms to be previewed in Maya.
· An enhanced FBX® plug-in provides seamless exchange of animation data and character rigs with Alias MotionBuilder.

to Sahafa:
А где имеет место быть семерка под линь? Плиз! Ослик не пашет :(
dude - это можно сказать о _любом_ пакете.


Наконец-то деббагер для МАХscript - Так-же надеюсь Skin мод. будет улучшен..

А так - говорить можно много - нужно смотреть всё в реале..
Гудман - какой-то чудной дебуггер... Если он будет лог выдавать (а на скринах именно это) - то это и не дебуггер вовсе, это логгер...


Вот я и говорю.. смотреть надо в реале..

А то будет как со встроенной "рисовалкой аля BodyPaint" для 7-ки..
MAXScript Scripting Language
• Automate your production pipeline with the ability to query a
database using MAXScript SQL Connect and Queries.
• Build MAXScripts faster with our MAXScript debugger. This
debugger follows industry standards and allows you to set break
points and isolate any issues in your scripts.
• Expression controllers now have full MXS support.
• Rebuilt scripted controller supports name independence.
(c) нью фичи
Что ж, поглядим, хотя max требуется что-то кардинально новое. Так что радоваться пока рано. Мне, например, хватает 6 и 7.
Давайте кстати на русском, а то не все аглицкий понимают (забочусь о других). Что там нового в max 8 планируется.
вот новые фичи. это скорей на 7.6 тянет, чем на новую версию
ЗЫ правдп инглиш опять же
ЗЫЫ файло на 700к
"Пользователь: GoodMan (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 05.08.2005 00:25:03


Это не вода, изменений и улучшений действительно много... Сейчас докачал Майку 7 для Линукс -буду ставить, а так уже поработал день на виндовой Майе, действительно круто... жаль что пока нет Turtle 2.0 для 7-й Майи!