Square or circle?

preview Square or circle? sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue sculpting, speed sculpt, zbrushsculpt, 3d sculpt, digital sculpture, Character head sculpt, human, the statue
This is my personal work.
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