Although the music is one of the oldest arts, the impact of it on humans are still not fully understood. And research scientists to bring new and unexpected results.
Psychological tests at the clinic, which had an English scholars at Westminster hospital (London), gave unexpected results. Equipped with some chambers high-quality equipment, the researchers gave the session "music therapy". A survey of patients showed that three out of every four the impact of music helps to cope with depression and stress. The impact is comparable with that which gives visits to a psychoanalyst or psychologist. And performance completely replaces the psychoanalysis.
There are objective indicators in patients with hypertension recorded a decrease of pressure, decreases the frequency of depression, which are often the effects of chemotherapy. So suffering from such complications the doctors suggest just download your favorite works on the site https://mp3panda.com/ and listen to them regularly.
There are also results that proved the destructive influence of the music not the person. They were held at Moscow state University, specialists of the Department of acoustics.
It Was found that even the most ordinary works, if download mp3 and listen to on a powerful instrument, under certain conditions, can lead to unpleasant consequences.
With the help of computer analysis of works of rock and pop music were investigated for the presence of the dominant frequency, noise and overtones. Then there was the modeling of the properties of human tissues and evaluated the effect of sound vibrations on the body. The results were directly opposite conclusions English counterparts.
Scientists have proved that the students from the 7th grade after 10 minutes of listening to songs of hard rock at the time forgot the multiplication table. And some could not answer, what is the year, where they are and call his name.
The Rhythms of the songs rock compositions (analyzed "Smoke on the water", Deep Purple) is 2-4 Hz. At level 40 -50 DB these fluctuations cause excitation, leading to increased aggression, a partial loss of self-control, autonegation manifestation of emotions. Also harmful noises and overtones are not harmonic type. They cause tremors in the hands, decreased vision and hearing, increase in blood adrenaline levels and lead to hormonal surge.
the Big danger is the volume of the sound. With the power of sound 100 DB impact on the eardrum causes temporary deafness. And the level of 120 DB, which is not uncommon at rock concerts, very close to the pain threshold.
Do Not accept the findings of scientists as the final. But try not to overdo it, enjoying the music!