
Narod podskagie, kak prawilno instalirowat - Stich ????
Ja raspakowiwau w otdelnom ordnere, tam w ZIP' e toge wlogeni ZIP' i.Potom , kogda wse raspakowala, kopiruu wse sodergimoe i wstawlja w 3D Max\root.
Tam wse logitsa kuda neobchodimo, t.e. help k helpu;
Sceni k Scenam it.d. Startuu Max , dlja primera beru lubuu figuru, tschtobi sarjadilos okno - wipadautschee modificatorow, no tam ego net . I samoe interesnoe , ja uge instalirowala, na potschemu-to kagdii ras wse po-drugomu ?
Seitschas ja ne mogu proinstalirowat. POMOGITE POGALUSTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Проверь,если файлы stitchа лежат не совсем папке plugins, а в поддериктории Digimation, тогда перенеси их в корень папки plugins.Или пропиши путь в plugins.ini.


Installation Instructions:
Start with a clean computer reboot, especially if u were
just running max.
1) Open your 3dsmax4 plugin.ini file and put in the entries
below (note the categories in brackets):
Stitch Plug-in=C:\3dsmax42\plugins\Digimation
Stitch Help=C:\3dsmax42\Help\Stitch Manual.chm

NOTE: Obviously, change the 3dsmax4 directory to match your
installation directory.
2) Move the files from their respective directories to your
3dsmax4 directories (ie. \3dsmax4\Scenes\ is moved to
<installed max4 dir>\Scenes).
NOTE: Any files not in a sub-directory of the 3dsmax4 directory
go in the root directory of 3dsmax4, such as DigiSrv4.exe.
3) Once installed run the DigiP_register.bat file that should
now be in your 3dsmax4 installation directory. Start max4
and create a server name by hitting add (use your computers
network id). Register using the keygen that has been included
with this release.
NOTE: If you already have digisrv4.exe installed and registered,
there is no need to do it again.
Thats all. Have fun and dont forget to buy it if you like it.

Хотя на машине где стоит плата матрокс Stitch так и не пошел, на всех идет, а на этой никак не хочет. ( переустанавливал все, кроме системы)