particles - initial state

Создаю значит партиклы. Симулирую, потом сохраняю initial state через менюшку Solvers - Initial State - Set for selected. А вопрос в том, как собственно от этого начального состояния потом можно избавиться?
Можно ли очистить кэш партиклов, чтобы они вели себя как при создании эмитера?
Называешь файл removeInitialState.mel и пэстишь в него содержимое:

// :set ts=4
// removeInitialState.mel
// Patrick Palmer,
// February 1, 1998

// removeInitialState() takes all of the selected
// particle objects are removes the initial state. This
// is done by setAttr'in the initial state attributes to
// zero.

// To add an entry to the Maya Initial State menu at startup
// place the following MEL segment into $HOME/maya/scripts/userSetup.mel
// (removing the comments).
//// adding menus to dynamics working mode
//global proc addDynamicsMenus() {
// global string $gMainDynSettingsMenu;
// if (! `menu -q -ni $gMainDynSettingsMenu` )
// DynSettingsMenu $gMainDynSettingsMenu;
// // add "remove initial state for particles
// menuItem -l "Remove For Particle" -parent "initialStateMenu"
// -annotation "Remove Initial State on current particle object"
// -c "removeInitialState" removeStateAll;
//scriptJob -runOnce true -cf "busy" "addDynamicsMenus";

global proc removeInitialState() {

string $selList[] = `ls -sl`;
string $sel;
int $count = 0;
string $shape, $shapes[];
string $attr, $attrs[];

for ($sel in $selList) {

clear $shapes;
if (`objectType $sel` == "particle")
$shapes[0] = $sel;
else if (`objectType $sel` == "transform")
$shapes = `listRelatives -shapes $sel`;

for ($shape in $shapes) {

// make sure this is a particle shape
if (`objectType $shape` != "particle")

// clear out all of the double arrays
$attrs = `particle -q -ppd $shape`;
for ($attr in $attrs) {
if (`attributeQuery -exists -n $shape ($attr + "0")`)
setAttr ($shape+"."+$attr+"0") -type "doubleArray" 0;

// clear out all of the vector arrays
$attrs = `particle -q -ppv $shape`;
for ($attr in $attrs) {
if (`attributeQuery -exists -n $shape ($attr + "0")`)
setAttr ($shape+"."+$attr+"0") -type "vectorArray" 0;

// other attributes that need to be cleared
setAttr ($shape+".nid0") 0;
setAttr ($shape+".particleId0") -type "doubleArray" 0;
setAttr ($shape+".age0") -type "doubleArray" 0;

// one more particle shape

// if there wasn't any particle shapes selected, send error
if ($count == 0)
error "Need to select a particle object";