нужен кряк для Позер / SR2

Достал Позер ( УРА! ) и воибежание некоторых багов сходу поставил SR2. Оказалось что обычный кряк на него теперь неработает :( посоветуйте, что делать...

Important Note:
If you used the Paradox/Sinister crack for poser5, you are going to have to unistall
the lot, and re-install the original poser5 from the cd's.
Because the CL updates will not work on an altered file!!
I did warn you when PDX released the cracked binary.

If you used my patch on poser5 then all is OK, and you can continue to apply the
downloaded poser updates ;-) (pays to be loyal sometimes eh? LOL!!)

When the updates have been applied, read the "Crack.txt" file in the enclosed
"Crack" directory for instructions on how to use the patch.


xxxxx wrote:
> Important Note:
> If you used the Paradox/Sinister crack for poser5, you are
> going to have to unistall
> the lot, and re-install the original poser5 from the cd's.
> Because the CL updates will not work on an altered file!!
> I did warn you when PDX released the cracked binary.
> If you used my patch on poser5 then all is OK, and you can
> continue to apply the
> downloaded poser updates ;-) (pays to be loyal sometimes eh?
> LOL!!)
> When the updates have been applied, read the "Crack.txt" file
> in the enclosed
> "Crack" directory for instructions on how to use the patch.
> EnjoY!!
> -HV