[Need] Natfx 1.9 Cracker

I think you Druid have to call the guys who make that NatFX and ask them for the crack. There ain't any cracks around here !!!!
OK fine thanks :eek:)!

Obrigado pela atenзгo de todos, mesmo que nгo seja das melhores, afinal, que culpa tenho eu de nгo falar russo, pelo menos eu tento ser amigo das pessoas, e nгo sou nenhum "camarada" revoltado :eek:)!

It makes many ppl sick when some guy talk them the language they don't know.
Are you from Italy or frome Greece . or frome the Moon came here ? I dont know that are you try to talking about but it just seems to be attemtion to adobe us.
You have forgot whom you talk with , our contry have many A-bombs and the one they can share with you .I haven't understand any words you have wrote here but the one "camarada" makes me feel like you havent a brain , and the other one "russo" seems like you dislike us. Get uot of here the bustard speaking not understandeble language and never back again .

Bye. _|_
Um outro "camarada" revoltado, isso faz mal pra saъde meu amigo.

In the NET, used one site to translate with me to do to translate russian to portuguese, OK!

to Druid
Druid I didn't find any resourcs in NET to translate from Russian to Portuguese and back. Can you write me adresses of some sites?

to Misha :))))