MAYA sucks!

You guys never mind about sripture... in any way MAYA sucks!!! Just a half a year ago I was sure that Maya is hte best tool ever been created. I expierenced last releas of 3ds MAX, fifth, I used with plug-ins, common they were, though when joint they become more producrive than Maya with its language that bejond enyone >: ) = ... for a example Maya is much slower than MAX when renders. Maya never increases such high quality image like MAX with Brazil ( increase up 128 bits of color depth, that is extreamly important when you need to balance contrast...) even with this samplekind renderer RenderMan. Discreet has stallen Maya navigation system and now Max is no worser than Maya. Max has UVW Anwrap & Box Multichanel mapping. It has 'Draw in all viewports' funcion to make your modelling easier than ever before... finally Max is easier to be realized. Character Studio plug-in has biped system( don't forget about similar to Maya bones system that is DEFAULT in Max + the plug), you just place the biped into you mesh, add footstep animation and you have a walking Character!!! You are free in choosing a mood to your creature or sript and develop your animation and create your own UI that makes you to focus not on searching for buttons but on creative work. You probably would scream after I shall send all these, things like: "if it was true, so why most of movies created in Maya?" Do not please! I do agree with the statement, they were not but they will be. Maya has not a single superiority... MAX does! Discreet's last product is cheaper and faster than Maya, it has better rendering if used with plug-ins and without ( You don't say "but it is with plug-ins... that is nature of Max, it has Open Architecture). By the way Reactor included in Max 5 and has more comfortable in usage tools for simulation such as Rigid, Soft and Cloth Bodies... I could type eternally. So think about you future.
Смотрю я PJ сам с собой разобраться не может, а претендует на 3D-гуру... : )
я думаю всем все стало ясно, на это сообщение и должен был откликнуться именно такой придурок, как CG_owner...

PS. посмотрите на ip...


Активный участник
andpower, привет!!!
да придурков действительно много))))


Пользователь сайта
Я так понял что у чела все сводиться к тому что "если к максу приделать что-то ... то будет круто''
Так что орел - это жаба в перьях и с крыльями :)


ПэЖэ! Я думал, ты совсем того...
Текст я, правда, не читал, тока сабж, пожал плечами...
Теперь прочитал более внимательно. В чем-то человече близок к истине, но не настолько, чтоб прям вот так вот сабж чтоб :)
Борис, ривет!
Да пусть пишет что угодно, (больной ведь) только главное не под моим ником))))