matrica preobrazowaniya

Proshu pros4eniya za 6rift 4to to ne tak s nim.
A vopros vot kakoi bil:
Matrica preobrazowaniya ,kak s nei rabotat
i kak primeniat etot script.Kak on rabotaet Ya ponimau
on rabotaet s matricami vizualno(peremnojaet i t.d.)
no kuda mojno ego primenit?
// matrixPlayground.mel v1.2 (12 Jan 2001)
// MEL script for Maya
// by Bryan Ewert
// H2O Entertainment Corporation
// Vancouver, Canada

// History:
// v1.2 (12 Jan 2001)
// - added Precision option.
// - got rid of traceMe() calls (internal to H2O)
// v1.1 (4 Dec 2000)
// - bug fix: Matrix Add requesting matrix contents with
// form name instead of letter ID
// v1.0 (3 Oct 2000)

global proc matrix doubleToMatrix44( float $darray[] )
// Input: array of 16 floats
// Output: 4Ч4 matrix
// Fills the matrix by column, then row;
// e.g. matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2], ..., matrix[1][0], ...
matrix $matrix[4][4];

for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < 4; $j++ )
$matrix[$i][$j] = $darray[ ($i*4) + $j ];

return $matrix;

proc string getMatrixForm( string $which )
// Returns the formLayout containing the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
string $matrixForm = "";
string $matrixFrame = ( "frameMatrix" + $which );

if ( `frameLayout -q -exists $matrixFrame` )
string $parent = `setParent -q`;
setParent $matrixFrame;

string $childArray[] = `frameLayout -q -childArray $matrixFrame`;

if ( `formLayout -q -exists $childArray[0]` )
$matrixForm = $childArray[0];

if ( "NONE" != $parent )
setParent $parent;

return $matrixForm;

proc matrix getMatrix( string $which )
// Returns the 4Ч4 matrix for the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
matrix $matrix44[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;
int $size = 3;

string $parent = `setParent -q`;

string $form = getMatrixForm( $which );

setParent $form; // So relative names of childArray set proper set of floatFields

string $matrixCells[] = `formLayout -q -childArray $form`;

if ( size( $matrixCells ) == 16 )
$size = 4;

for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < $size; $j++ )
$matrix44[$i][$j] = `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[$i*$size+$j]`;

setParent $parent;

return $matrix44;

proc populateMatrix( string $which, matrix $cMatrix, string $annotation )
// Fills the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C") with the supplied $cMatrix,
// and changes the frameLayout label to $annotation
string $childArray[];
int $size = 3;

string $formLayout = getMatrixForm( $which );

if ( "" != $formLayout )
string $parent = `setParent -q`;
setParent $formLayout;
$childArray = `formLayout -q -childArray $formLayout`;

if ( size( $childArray ) == 16 )
$size = 4;

for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < $size; $j++ )
floatField -e -value $cMatrix[$i][$j] $childArray[$i*$size+$j];

frameLayout -e -label ( "Matrix " + $which + " - " + $annotation ) ( "frameMatrix" + $which );

setParent $parent;

if ( $which == "C" )
if ( `checkBoxGrp -q -value1 matrixAutoEcho` )
populateMatrix( "A", $cMatrix, $annotation );
if ( `checkBoxGrp -q -value2 matrixAutoEcho` )
populateMatrix( "B", $cMatrix, $annotation );

proc float determinant( matrix $mMatrix, int $size )
// Derives the Determinant of the provided $mMatrix.
// The $size must be specified (2, 3 or 4).
float $determinant = 0.0;

if ( $size == 2 )
$determinant = ( ( $mMatrix[0][0] * $mMatrix[1][1] ) - ( $mMatrix[0][1] * $mMatrix[1][0] ) );
if ( $size == 3 )
$determinant = ( $mMatrix[0][0] * $mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][2] +
$mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[0][2] +
$mMatrix[0][1] * $mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][0] ) -
( $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[0][2] +
$mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[0][1] * $mMatrix[2][2] +
$mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[0][0] );

if ( $size == 4 )
// Determinant of 4Ч4 matrix:
// < A B C D > < 00 01 02 03 >
// < E F G H > < 10 11 12 13 >
// < I J K L > < 20 21 22 23 >
// < M N O P > < 30 31 32 33 >
// Use first row < A B C D > and use Laplace Expansion against corresponding 3Ч3 matrices
// det = ( A | < F G H > | ) - ( B | < E G H > | ) + ( C | < E F H > | ) - ( D | < E F G > | )
// < J K L > < I K L > < I J L > < I J K >
// < N O P > < M O P > < M N P > < M N O >
// det = ( A | < 11 12 13 > | ) - ( B | < 10 12 13 > | ) + ( C | < 10 11 13 > | ) - ( D | < 10 11 12 > | )
// < 21 22 23 > < 20 22 23 > < 20 21 23 > < 20 21 22 >
// < 31 32 33 > < 30 32 33 > < 30 31 33 > < 30 31 32 >

float $detA, $detB, $detC, $detD;

$detA = ( $mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][1] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][2] ) -
( $mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][2] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][1] );

$detB = ( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][0] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][2] ) -
( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][2] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][0] );

$detC = ( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][0] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][1] ) -
( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][3] * $mMatrix[3][1] +
$mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][3] +
$mMatrix[1][3] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][0] );

$detD = ( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][2] +
$mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][0] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][1] ) -
( $mMatrix[1][0] * $mMatrix[2][2] * $mMatrix[3][1] +
$mMatrix[1][1] * $mMatrix[2][0] * $mMatrix[3][2] +
$mMatrix[1][2] * $mMatrix[2][1] * $mMatrix[3][0] );

$determinant = ( $mMatrix[0][0] * $detA ) - ( $mMatrix[0][1] * $detB ) + ( $mMatrix[0][2] * $detC ) - ( $mMatrix[0][3] * $detD );

return $determinant;

proc matrix matrixCollapseRowColumn( matrix $aMatrix, int $size, int $row, int $column )
// Removes the specified $row and $column from $aMatrix;
// e.g. collapses a 4Ч4 matrix to a 3Ч3 matrix.
// Note: $row & $column are 1-index
matrix $cMatrix[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;

for ( $i = 0, $m = 0; $i < $size; $i++, $m++ )
// Skip over collapsed row
if ( $m+1 == $row )

for ( $j = 0, $n = 0; $j < $size; $j++, $n++ )
// Skip over collapsed column
if ( $n+1 == $column )

if ( $m < 4 && $n < 4 )
$cMatrix[$i][$j] = $aMatrix[$m][$n];
$cMatrix[$i][$j] = 0.0;

return $cMatrix;

proc matrix transpose( matrix $aMatrix, int $size )
// Returns a matrix which is the Transpose of $aMatrix.
// The $size must be specified (typically 3 or 4 for this script).
matrix $tMatrix[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;

for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < $size; $j++ )
$tMatrix[$i][$j] = $aMatrix[$j][$i];

return $tMatrix;

global proc matrixTranspose( string $which )
// The UI callback to perform a Transpose on the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
matrix $aMatrix[4][4];
matrix $tMatrix[4][4];

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

$aMatrix = getMatrix( $which );

$tMatrix = transpose( $aMatrix, $size );

populateMatrix( "C", $tMatrix, "Transpose of Matrix A" );

proc matrix adjoint( matrix $aMatrix, int $size )
// Returns a matrix which is the Adjoint of $aMatrix.
// The $size of the input matrix must be specified (3 or 4).
matrix $cMatrix[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;

int $detSize = ( $size - 1 );

if ( $size > 2 )
// Cofactor of top-left 3Ч3 matrix
$cMatrix[0][0] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 1, 1 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[0][1] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 1, 2 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[0][2] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 1, 3 ), $detSize );

$cMatrix[1][0] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 2, 1 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[1][1] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 2, 2 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[1][2] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 2, 3 ), $detSize );

$cMatrix[2][0] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 3, 1 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[2][1] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 3, 2 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[2][2] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 3, 3 ), $detSize );

if ( $size > 3 )
// Cofactor of 4th column
$cMatrix[0][3] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 1, 4 ), $detSize );

$cMatrix[1][3] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 2, 4 ), $detSize );

$cMatrix[2][3] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 3, 4 ), $detSize );

// Cofactor of 4th row
$cMatrix[3][0] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 4, 1 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[3][1] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 4, 2 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[3][2] = -determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 4, 3 ), $detSize );
$cMatrix[3][3] = determinant( matrixCollapseRowColumn( $aMatrix, $size, 4, 4 ), $detSize );

// Adjoint is TRANSPOSE of matrix containing cofactors
$cMatrix = transpose( $cMatrix, $size );

return $cMatrix;

global proc matrixAdjoint( string $which )
// The UI callback to perform a Adjoint on the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
matrix $aMatrix[4][4];
matrix $cMatrix[4][4];
float $determinant;

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

$aMatrix = getMatrix( $which );

$cMatrix = adjoint( $aMatrix, $size );

populateMatrix( "C", $cMatrix, "Adjoint of Matrix A" );


proc matrix inverse( matrix $aMatrix, int $size )
// Returns a matrix which is the Inverse of $aMatrix.
// The $size of the input matrix must be specified (3 or 4).
matrix $iMatrix[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;

float $determinant = determinant( $aMatrix, $size );

if ( $determinant != 0.0 )
$iMatrix = ( 1 / determinant( $aMatrix, $size ) ) * adjoint( $aMatrix, $size );

return $iMatrix;

global proc matrixInverse( string $which )
// The UI callback to perform a Inverse on the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
matrix $aMatrix[4][4];
matrix $iMatrix[4][4];
float $determinant;
string $message = "Inverse of Matrix A";

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

$aMatrix = getMatrix( $which );

$iMatrix = inverse( $aMatrix, $size );

if ( 0 == determinant( $aMatrix, $size ) )
$message = "Matrix A is singular and has no inverse";

populateMatrix( "C", $iMatrix, $message );


global proc matrixTrace( string $which )
// Returns the Trace of the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
float $trace = 0.0;

string $form = getMatrixForm( $which );

if ( "" != $form )
string $parent = `setParent -q`;
setParent $form;

string $matrixCells[] = `formLayout -q -childArray $form`;

$trace = `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[0]`;

if ( size( $matrixCells ) == 16 )
$trace += `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[5]`;
$trace += `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[10]`;
$trace += `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[15]`;

if ( size( $matrixCells ) == 9 )
$trace += `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[4]`;
$trace += `floatField -q -value $matrixCells[8]`;

setParent $parent;

floatField -e -value $trace -enable true matrixTrace;

global proc matrixDeterminant( string $which )
// The UI callback to perform a Determinant on the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
float $determinant = 0.0;

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

matrix $matrix[4][4] = getMatrix( $which );

$determinant = determinant( $matrix, $size );

floatField -e -value $determinant -enable true matrixDet;

global proc matrix multiplyMatrix( matrix $aMatrix, matrix $bMatrix )
// Returns a matrix which is the product of multiplying $aMatrix and $bMatrix.
// Note: As matrices in this script are always square (3Ч3 or 4Ч4) no error-checking
// is supplied to assert that the sizes of the two matrices are applicable for
// multiplication.
matrix $cMatrix[4][4] = << 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0 >>;

for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < 4; $j++ )
for ( $k = 0; $k < 4; $k++ )
$cMatrix[$i][$j] = $cMatrix[$i][$j] + ( $aMatrix[$i][$k] * $bMatrix[$k][$j] );
return $cMatrix;

global proc matrixMultiply()
// The UI callback to perform a Product of Matrix A and Matrix B
matrix $aMatrix[4][4];
matrix $bMatrix[4][4];
float $determinant;
string $message = "Inverse of Matrix A";

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

string $matrixFormA = getMatrixForm( "A" );
string $matrixFormB = getMatrixForm( "B" );

if ( "" != $matrixFormA && "" != $matrixFormB )
$aMatrix = getMatrix( "A" );
$bMatrix = getMatrix( "B" );

$aMatrix = multiplyMatrix( $aMatrix, $bMatrix );

populateMatrix( "C", $aMatrix, "Product ( A * B )" );

global proc matrix addMatrix( matrix $aMatrix, matrix $bMatrix )
// Returns a matrix which is the Sum or $aMatrix and $bMatrix.
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < 4; $j++ )
$aMatrix[$i][$j] = $aMatrix[$i][$j] + $bMatrix[$i][$j];
return $aMatrix;

global proc matrixAdd()
// The UI callback to perform a Sum of Matrix A and Matrix B
matrix $aMatrix[4][4];
matrix $bMatrix[4][4];

int $size = ( `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrix_dimensions` + 2 );

string $matrixFormA = getMatrixForm( "A" );
string $matrixFormB = getMatrixForm( "B" );

if ( "" != $matrixFormA && "" != $matrixFormB )
// v1.1 -- bug fix - getMatrix() called with form name instead of letter ID
$aMatrix = getMatrix( "A" );
$bMatrix = getMatrix( "B" );

$aMatrix = addMatrix( $aMatrix, $bMatrix );

populateMatrix( "C", $aMatrix, "Sum ( A + B )" );

global proc matrixAcquire( string $which, int $worldSpace )
// Acquires the Transformation Matrix from the first item in Maya's
// selection list and populates the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
// with its elements.
string $select[] = `ls -sl`;

if ( size( $select ) )
float $floatA[];

if ( $worldSpace )
$floatA = `xform -q -ws -matrix $select[0]`;
$floatA = `xform -q -matrix $select[0]`;

matrix $mMatrix[4][4] = doubleToMatrix44( $floatA );
populateMatrix( $which, $mMatrix, $select[0] );


global proc matrixApply( string $which, int $worldSpace )
// Applies the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C") to the first item
// in Maya's selection list.
string $select[] = `ls -sl`;

if ( size( $select ) )
matrix $mMatrix[4][4] = getMatrix( $which );
float $f[16];
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ )
for ( $j = 0; $j < 4; $j++ )
$f[($i*4)+$j] = $mMatrix[$i][$j];

string $command;

if ( $worldSpace )
$command = "xform -ws -matrix ";
$command = "xform -matrix ";

for ( $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++ )
$command = ( $command + $f[$i] + " " );
$command += $select[0];

eval $command;


global proc matrixCopy( string $whichFrom, string $whichTo )
// Copies the elements of the specified "From" Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
// to the specified "To" Matrix ("A", "B" or "C").
// Note: As this function is logically called only from menu items
// that know better, no error-checking is provided to assert that
// the "From" matrix is not the same as the "To" matrix.
// Attempting to do so would not cause an error or crash, but would
// be less than productive.
matrix $fMatrix[4][4] = getMatrix( $whichFrom );

populateMatrix( $whichTo, $fMatrix, ( "Copy of Matrix " + $whichFrom ) );

global proc matrixSwap( string $whichFrom, string $whichTo )
// Swaps the elements of the specified "From" Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
// with the specified "To" Matrix ("A", "B" or "C").
// Note: As this function is logically called only from menu items
// that know better, no error-checking is provided to assert that
// the "From" matrix is not the same as the "To" matrix.
// Attempting to do so would not cause an error or crash, but would
// be less than productive.
matrix $fMatrix[4][4] = getMatrix( $whichFrom );
matrix $tMatrix[4][4] = getMatrix( $whichTo );

populateMatrix( $whichTo, $fMatrix, "" );
populateMatrix( $whichFrom, $tMatrix, "" );

global proc matrixRotate( string $which )
// Applies a Rotation Transformation to the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C").
// The rotation value and unit is derived from the current UI settings.
// Note: The rotation matrices used may seem Transposed to those typically
// documented, but they are correct for this implementation within Maya,
// specifically in regard to the Acquire and Apply functions (above).
string $form = getMatrixForm( $which );

float $fRotate = `floatField -q -value matrixRotate`;
float $rotate = $fRotate;
int $unit = `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrixRotateUnit`;
int $axis = `radioButtonGrp -q -select matrixRotateAxis`;
string $sAxis[3] = { "X", "Y", "Z" };
float $kRADIAN = 57.295779513082320876798154814105;
matrix $aMatrix[4][4] = << 1, 0, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1 >>;
matrix $rMatrix[4][4] = << 1, 0, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1 >>;

if ( $unit == 1 ) // must convert to degrees
$rotate = $fRotate / $kRADIAN;

float $cos = `cos $rotate`;
float $sin = `sin $rotate`;

switch ( $axis )
case 1: // X axis
$rMatrix = << 1, 0, 0, 0; 0, $cos, $sin, 0; 0, -$sin, $cos, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1 >>;

case 2: // Y axis
$rMatrix = << $cos, 0, -$sin, 0; 0, 1, 0, 0; $sin, 0, $cos, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1 >>;

case 3: // Z axis
$rMatrix = << $cos, $sin, 0, 0; -$sin, $cos, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1 >>;

$aMatrix = getMatrix( $which );
$rMatrix = multiplyMatrix( $aMatrix, $rMatrix );

populateMatrix( "C", $rMatrix, ( "Rotate Matrix A " + $fRotate + ( $unit == 1 ? " deg" : " rad" ) + " on " + $sAxis[$axis-1] ) );


global proc matrixMakeIdentity( string $which )
// Populates the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C") with an Identity Matrix.
float $cellValues44[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
float $cellValues33[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

string $parent = `setParent -q`;

string $form = getMatrixForm( $which );
setParent $form; // So relative names of childArray set proper set of floatFields

string $matrixCells[] = `formLayout -q -childArray $form`;

if ( size( $matrixCells ) == 16 )
for ( $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++ )
floatField -e -value $cellValues44[$i] $matrixCells[$i];

if ( size( $matrixCells ) == 9 )
for ( $i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ )
floatField -e -value $cellValues33[$i] $matrixCells[$i];

setParent $parent;

proc string buildMatrix( string $which, int $size, int $editable )
// Called to initialize the size and contents of the specified Matrix ("A", "B" or "C")
// Matrix C is typically not editable.
int $tab = ( 100 / $size );

string $frame = ( "frameMatrix" + $which );
string $checkBoxMenu = ( "matrixUseWorldSpace" + $which );

int $precision = 8;

setParent $frame;

string $form = `formLayout`;

popupMenu -button 3 matrixPopupMenu;

if ( $editable )
menuItem -label "Make Identity" -c ( "matrixMakeIdentity " + $which ) matrixMakeIdentityMenu;
menuItem -label "Acquire from Selected" -c ( "matrixAcquire " + $which + " `menuItem -q -checkBox " + $checkBoxMenu + "`" ) matrixAcquireMenu;

menuItem -label "Apply to Selected" -c ( "matrixApply " + $which + " `menuItem -q -checkBox " + $checkBoxMenu + "`" ) matrixApplyMenu;

menuItem -checkBox true -label "Use WorldSpace" $checkBoxMenu;

if ( $which != "A" )
menuItem -label "Copy to Matrix A" -c ( "matrixCopy " + $which + " A" ) matrixCopyAMenu;
if ( $which != "B" )
menuItem -label "Copy to Matrix B" -c ( "matrixCopy " + $which + " B" ) matrixCopyBMenu;
if ( $which != "C" )
menuItem -label "Swap Matrix A & B" -c ( "matrixSwap A B" ) matrixSwapMenu;

floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA11;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA12;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA13;

if ( $size == 4 )
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA14;

floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA21;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA22;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA23;

if ( $size == 4 )
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA24;

floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA31;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA32;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA33;

if ( $size == 4 )
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA34;

floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA41;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA42;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA43;
floatField -editable $editable -precision $precision matrixA44;

setParent ..;

formLayout -e
-af matrixA11 top 4
-af matrixA11 left 4
-ap matrixA11 right 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-af matrixA12 top 4
-ap matrixA12 left 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ap matrixA12 right 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-af matrixA13 top 4
-ap matrixA13 left 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ap matrixA13 right 2 ( $tab * 3 )

-ac matrixA21 top 4 matrixA11
-af matrixA21 left 4
-ap matrixA21 right 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ac matrixA22 top 4 matrixA12
-ap matrixA22 left 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ap matrixA22 right 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ac matrixA23 top 4 matrixA13
-ap matrixA23 left 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ap matrixA23 right 2 ( $tab * 3 )

-ac matrixA31 top 4 matrixA21
-af matrixA31 left 4
-ap matrixA31 right 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ac matrixA32 top 4 matrixA22
-ap matrixA32 left 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ap matrixA32 right 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ac matrixA33 top 4 matrixA23
-ap matrixA33 left 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ap matrixA33 right 2 ( $tab * 3 )

if ( $size == 4 )
formLayout -e
-af matrixA14 top 4
-ap matrixA14 left 2 ( $tab * 3 )
-ap matrixA14 right 2 ( $tab * 4 )

-ac matrixA24 top 4 matrixA14
-ap matrixA24 left 2 ( $tab * 3 )
-ap matrixA24 right 2 ( $tab * 4 )

-ac matrixA34 top 4 matrixA24
-ap matrixA34 left 2 ( $tab * 3 )
-ap matrixA34 right 2 ( $tab * 4 )

-ac matrixA41 top 4 matrixA31
-af matrixA41 left 4
-ap matrixA41 right 2 ( $tab * 1 )

-ac matrixA42 top 4 matrixA32
-ap matrixA42 left 2 ( $tab * 1 )
-ap matrixA42 right 2 ( $tab * 2 )

-ac matrixA43 top 4 matrixA33
-ap matrixA43 left 2 ( $tab * 2 )
-ap matrixA43 right 2 ( $tab * 3 )

-ac matrixA44 top 4 matrixA34
-ap matrixA44 left 2 ( $tab * 3 )
-ap matrixA44 right 2 ( $tab * 4 )

matrixMakeIdentity( $which );

setParent ..;

return $form;

proc deleteFrameChildArray( string $frame )
// Deletes all children from the specifed frameLayout.
// This is used to clear the layout before rebuilding the Matrix
// with buildMatrix() (above).
if ( `frameLayout -q -exists $frame` )
string $childArray[] = `frameLayout -q -childArray $frame`;

for ( $child in $childArray )
deleteUI $child;

global proc string[] buildMatrixFrames( int $size )
// A macro function to clear and rebuild all three Matrix layouts at once.
string $formMatrix[3];

if ( `window -exists matrixPlayground` )
setParent matrixPlayground; // parent to window

string $childArray[];

deleteFrameChildArray( "frameMatrixA" );
$formMatrix[0] = buildMatrix( "A", $size, true );

deleteFrameChildArray( "frameMatrixB" );
$formMatrix[1] = buildMatrix( "B", $size, true );

deleteFrameChildArray( "frameMatrixC" );
$formMatrix[2] = buildMatrix( "C", $size, false );

floatField -e -value 0.0 -enable false matrixTrace;
floatField -e -value 0.0 -enable false matrixDet;

frameLayout -e -label "Matrix C " frameMatrixC;

return $formMatrix;

global proc matrixPlayground_performPrecision()
int $matrixPrecision = 4;

if ( `optionVar -exists matrixPrecision` )
$matrixPrecision = `optionVar -q matrixPrecision`;
optionVar -intValue matrixPrecision $matrixPrecision;

string $mm[3] = { "A", "B", "C" };

for ( $m in $mm )
string $form = getMatrixForm( $m );

setParent $form;
string $ca[] = `formLayout -q -ca $form`;

for ( $c in $ca )
floatField -e -precision $matrixPrecision $c;

global proc matrixPlayground_precision()
int $precision = `optionVar -q matrixPrecision`;

if ( `window -exists "matrixPrecision"` )
deleteUI -window "matrixPrecision";

window -title "Precision" -iconName "Precision" matrixPrecision;

columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;

intSliderGrp -label "" -min 1 -max 10 -fmn 1 -fmx 10 -field true
-cw 1 1 -adj 3 -cat 3 "right" 2
-value $precision
-cc "optionVar -intValue matrixPrecision (#1); matrixPlayground_performPrecision()";

showWindow matrixPrecision;

global proc matrixPlayground()
// Main entry function for matrixPlayground.mel.
// Creates the base UI layout with frameLayouts for each Matrix and associated tool controls.
if ( `window -exists "matrixPlayground"` )
deleteUI -window "matrixPlayground";

string $frameMatrixA, $frameMatrixB, $frameMatrixC, $frameOperA, $frameOperAB, $form;
string $formMatrix[3];

int $size = 4;
int $precision = 4;

if ( `optionVar -exists matrixSize` )
$size = `optionVar -q matrixSize`;
optionVar -intValue matrixSize $size;

window -title "Matrix Playground" -iconName "Matrix" -menuBar true matrixPlayground;

menu -label "Options";
menuItem -label "Precision" -c "matrixPlayground_precision()" matrixPlayground_menuPrecision;

columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;

-numberOfRadioButtons 2
-columnWidth3 128 64 64
-label "Matrix Dimensions"
-labelArray2 "3Ч3" "4Ч4"
-select ( $size - 2 )
-on1 "optionVar -intValue matrixSize 3; buildMatrixFrames 3"
-on2 "optionVar -intValue matrixSize 4; buildMatrixFrames 4"

$frameMatrixA = `frameLayout -label "Matrix A" frameMatrixA`;

setParent ..;

$frameOperA = `frameLayout -label "A operators" -borderVisible true -marginWidth 4 -marginHeight 4 -labelVisible false`;

setParent ..;

$frameMatrixB = `frameLayout -label "Matrix B" frameMatrixB`;

setParent ..;

$frameOperAB = `frameLayout -label "AB operators" -borderVisible true -marginWidth 4 -marginHeight 4 -labelVisible false`;

setParent ..;

$frameMatrixC = `frameLayout -label "Matrix C " frameMatrixC`;

setParent ..;

// /////////////////////////////////////////
// Add options controls for Matrix C

$frameOperC = `frameLayout -borderVisible true -marginWidth 4 -marginHeight 4 -labelVisible false`;

-label "Echo Results to"
-numberOfCheckBoxes 2
-label1 "Matrix A"
-label2 "Matrix B"
-value1 off
-value2 off
-columnWidth3 128 64 64

setParent ..;

// /////////////////////////////////////////
// Add tools that operate Matrix A

setParent $frameOperA;

columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;

frameLayout -label "Matrix Functions";

$form = `formLayout`;

button -label "Trace" -c ( "matrixTrace A" ) matrixTraceButton;
floatField matrixTrace;

button -label "Determinant" -c ( "matrixDeterminant A" ) matrixDetButton;
floatField matrixDet;

rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3 matrixAFunctions;
button -label "Transpose" -c ( "matrixTranspose A" ) matrixTransposeButton;
button -label "Adjoint" -c ( "matrixAdjoint A" ) matrixAdjointButton;
button -label "Inverse" -c ( "matrixInverse A" ) matrixInverseButton;
setParent ..;

setParent ..;

formLayout -e
-af matrixTraceButton top 4
-af matrixTraceButton left 4
-ap matrixTraceButton right 2 33
-af matrixTrace top 4
-ap matrixTrace left 2 33

-ac matrixDetButton top 4 matrixTraceButton
-af matrixDetButton left 4
-ap matrixDetButton right 2 33
-ac matrixDet top 4 matrixTraceButton
-ap matrixDet left 2 33

-ac matrixAFunctions top 4 matrixDetButton
-af matrixAFunctions left 4
-af matrixAFunctions right 4

// -ac matrixTransposeButton top 4 matrixDetButton
// -af matrixTransposeButton left 4
// -ac matrixAdjointButton top 4 matrixDetButton
// -ac matrixAdjointButton left 4 matrixTransposeButton
// -ac matrixInverseButton top 4 matrixDetButton
// -ac matrixInverseButton left 4 matrixAdjointButton


setParent ..;

frameLayout -label "Trigonometry";

$form = `formLayout`;

-numberOfRadioButtons 3
-columnWidth4 128 64 64 64
-label "Rotate Axis"
-labelArray3 "X" "Y" "Z"
-select 1

button -label "Rotate" -c ( "matrixRotate A" ) matrixRotateButton;
floatField matrixRotate;
-numberOfRadioButtons 2
-columnWidth3 1 48 48
-label ""
-labelArray2 "deg" "rad"
-select 1

setParent ..;

formLayout -e
-af matrixRotateAxis top 4
-af matrixRotateAxis left 4

-ac matrixRotateButton top 4 matrixRotateAxis
-af matrixRotateButton left 4
-ap matrixRotateButton right 2 33

-ac matrixRotate top 4 matrixRotateAxis
-ap matrixRotate left 2 33

-ac matrixRotateUnit top 6 matrixRotateAxis
-ac matrixRotateUnit left 4 matrixRotate


setParent ..;

// /////////////////////////////////////////
// Add tools that operate with Matrix A & Matrix B

setParent $frameOperAB;

rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3 matrixBFunctions;
button -label "Sum ( A + B )" -c ( "matrixAdd" ) matrixAddButton;
button -label "Multiply ( A * B )" -c ( "matrixMultiply" ) matrixMultiplyButton;
button -label "( A ? B )" -c ( "matrixWhatever" ) -enable false matrixWhateverButton;
setParent ..;

// /////////////////////////////////////////
// Call macro to rebuild all Matrix layouts

$formMatrix = buildMatrixFrames( $size );

showWindow matrixPlayground;
Мужик. Хочешь я _свой_ скрипт запостю? Он ВОСЕМЬДЕСЯТ КИЛ весит. Поглавнее будет. Покруче.

Ты что, действительно думаешь, что в _этом_ кто-то будет разбираться?
Тебе помогли с MEL'ом - это не повод засирать борду всяким отстоем - это повод нажать в майке кнопку F1 и начать грызть гранит науки.