Как создать характер?

...в смысле, к персонажу, созданному в max и затащенному в geometries как obj, создать cr2 со ссылкой на этот obj?
Making a Poser Figure Made Easy!

Step 1: Create your figure in whatever program you like. 3DSM, Truespace, Rhino 3D, or whatever you use.

Step 2: Export each individual body part as an OBJ or 3DS format object file. It doesn't matter which.

Step 3: Import each body part into Poser. Making sure to uncheck the "Percent of Model" dialog box.

Step 4: Arrange the newly imported body parts in the same order you exported them. (I.E. Rebuild your model like a Lego character.)

Step 5: Open the group editor. (The little square box with the dot in it on the "Tools" bar)

Step 6: Select each body part and make a new group for that part. Name the group what you want that body part to be named. (This is important for later.) When you make the new group click the "Add All" button. Be sure to do this for every group.

Step 7: For each grouped body part (Each body part in it's own group) click "Spawn Props". If you didn't click "Add All" in the last step no prop (or an oddly shaped prop) will be made. The new prop will have the same name as the group name.

Step 8: Delete the imported 3DS or OBJ body part. Be careful not to delete the spawned props or you will have to respawn them.

Step 9: Export EVERYTHING except the GROUND to an OBJ file in a directory of your name choosing under "Poser:Runtime:Geometries" directory.

Step 10: Using a text editor or PhiFactory from create a PHI file. An example of a simple PHI file looks like this:

objFile :Runtime:Geometries:Body:character.obj
1 hip yzx
2 lthigh yzx
3 lleg yzx
4 lfoot zyx
2 torso yzx
3 head yzx
3 lshldr xzy
4 luarm xyz
5 llarm xzy
6 lhand xyz
3 rshldr xzy
4 ruarm xyz
5 rlarm xzy
6 rhand xyz
2 rthigh yzx
3 rleg yzx
4 rfoot zyx
ikChain RightLeg rthigh rleg rfoot
ikChain LeftLeg lthigh lleg lfoot
ikChain RightArm rshldr ruarm rlarm rhand
ikChain LeftArm lshldr luarm llarm lhand

1. The top line tell the PHI file where to look for the OBJ file.
2. The number before each prop name (I.E. "1" hip) is the order of parenting. Every item below the first is numbered. If there are two items parented the same way (I.E. two parts parented to the same parent) they both hold the same number. (I.E. 1 hip, 2 leftleg, 2 rightleg)
3. The name of the object is the same name you gave to the groups hat spawn the new props.
4. The XYZ is the coordinate system Poser will use to move your object. (PhiFactory has a diagram of the seperate figures you can use for reference)
5. The ikChain line is used for the Inverse kenetics of Poser and is easy to follow.
(Note: PHI files are CASE SENSITIVE if you get an error when Converting your Heir file (explained later) try checking your spelling and casing in your PHI file)

Step 11: Open Poser and start a new document (if one isn't already opened).

Step 12: Go to File:Convert Heir File and click it. Select the PHI file you've created (best saved in the same directory as your OBJ file)

Step 13: A new figure with a blank thumbnail will appear with the new name you've given to your figure in the "New Figures" category. Add the figure to the screen and delete the one in the figure list by clicking the - button. Then position the camera where you want the picture to be taken and press the + button and the figure will be Re-added with a thumbnail.

Step 14: Edit your joints (Press Ctrl+2 for ease) with the joint editor (Windows:Joint Editor)

Step 15: Enjoy your new poser figure!!!!!!