BonesPro 4.50
В новой версии были добавлены новые инструменты и возможности по Skin Painting, увеличена производительность и стабильность plugin'a. Так же расширены возможности интеграции с MAXScript.
Список всех основных нововведений в BonesPro 4.50:
- A new paint tool with smoothing mode allows artists to make quick local weight adjustments
- Completely new MAXScript interface for easier and more extensive third party access.
- 3ds Max default conform undo system added to the existing legacy workflow.
- MetaBones now have an optional real-time mode similar to ParaBones.
- Significant performance increases for the most often used actions in BonesPro.
- BonesPro now works natively with object types and no longer converts them internally.
- Bone groups can now easily be turned into selection sets through a new option in the Bones rollout.
- Bones with non-orthogonal local coordinate systems can now be used like normal bones without causing distortions.
- Various minor fixes.