vrimg2exr. Не хочет отдавать каналы...


Активный участник
D:\SideLine\pic>vrimg2exr MainImage0000.vrimg -info
File "D:\SideLine\pic\MainImage0000.vrimg":
Resolution: 2600 x 1733
Number of channels: 13
"RGB color"; type: RGB color; alias: Color
"Alpha"; type: RGB color; alias: Alpha
"VRayZDepth"; type: float; alias: ZDepth
"VRayGlobalIllumination"; type: RGB color; alias: GI
"VRayLighting"; type: RGB color; alias: Light
"VRayRawGlobalIllumination"; type: RGB color; alias: RawGI
"VRayRawLighting"; type: RGB color; alias: RawLight
"VRayRawReflection"; type: RGB color; alias: RawReflect
"VRayRawRefraction"; type: RGB color; alias: RawRefract
"VRayReflection"; type: RGB color; alias: Reflect
"VRayReflectionFilter"; type: RGB color; alias: ReflectFilter
"VRayRefraction"; type: RGB color; alias: Refract
"VRayRefractionFilter"; type: RGB color; alias: RefractFilter
Total tags in file: 14928

0 file(s) converted.

D:\SideLine\pic>vrimg2exr MainImage0000.vrimg ZD.exr -channel VRayZDepth
Specified channel name "VRayZDepth" not found or channel is not a RGB channel in
file "D:\SideLine\pic\MainImage0000.vrimg".
Use the -info option to list the available channels in this file.

0 file(s) converted.

Чего ему нужно?