Помогите разобраться со скриптом


Пользователь сайта
Доброго времени суток, помогите решить проблему со скриптом, пишу на 3ds Max 7 версии, если его запустить то сразу же выбивает ошибку

Если нажать Evaluate All два раза то выдает такую ошибку
-- Unable to convert: undefined to type: Float
-- Syntax error: at ), expected <factor>
-- In line: )
и начинает работать так как надо до перезапуска Макса.
Но когда я решил показать его другу (у друга установлен 3ds Max 2010) то у него вообще не запустился, и Evaluate All уже не помогал, вроде бы постоянно выдавал ошибку ту что на скрине. Пришлось установить Gmax на нем запустился так же как и на 7 версии Макса
вот сам скрипт
Чтото никак непойму как тут спойлер сделать?
rollout MainRollout "Importer" width:219 height:105
	button Import "Import Model" pos:[44,20] width:129 height:28
	on Import pressed do 
		FName = undefined
		FName = GetOpenFileName types:("All Files (*.*)|*.*| Vigilante8  (*.mod)|*.mod|")
--		FName = "E:\DenGame\3dsmax7\scripts\game.raw"
		if (FName != undefined) then
			f = fopen FName "rb"
			if (f != 0) then 
--f = fopen "D:\5388" "rb"


NumV=ReadLong f 
OffsV=ReadLong f 

NumMTA=ReadLong f 
OffsMTA=ReadLong f 

NumFaces=ReadLong f 
OffsFaces=ReadLong f

Scale=ReadShort f
MTA2=ReadShort f 

fseek f OffsV #seek_set

print ("Vertices = " + NumV as string)
print ("MTA = " + NumMTA  as string)
print ("Faces = " + NumFaces  as string)
print ("Scale = " + Scale  as string)
print ("MTA2 = " + MTA2 as string + "   0x"+ bit.intAsHex(MTA2) as string)

for x = 1 to NumV do

vx=readshort f 
vy=readshort f 
vz=readshort f 

vbd=readshort f 

--p4=readfloat f
--p5=readfloat f
--p6=readfloat f
--tu=readfloat f
--tv=readfloat f
--p9=readshort f
--p10=readshort f
--p11=readshort f
append Vert_array[vz,vx,vy]
--append UV_array[tu,tv,0]

fn ReadFaces f =
HEADER = ReadLong f
if ( HEADER == 0 ) then      -- 00000000
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 360677247 ) then      -- 7F7F7F15
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 159350655 ) then      -- 7F7F7F09
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 92241791 ) then      -- 7F7F7F05
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 208685112 ) then      -- 3848700C
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 92307584 ) then      -- 80808005
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "80808005"
else if ( HEADER == 67108864 ) then      -- 00000004
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 159416448 ) then      -- 80808009
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "80808009"
		Print ("Last Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
else if ( HEADER == 139995915 ) then      -- 0B2B5808
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 134217728 ) then      -- 00000008
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 72887051 ) then      -- 0B2B5804
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 525041280 ) then      -- 807E4B1F
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 323714688 ) then      -- 807E4B13
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 226525312 ) then      -- 8080800D
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 72043339 ) then      -- 4B4B4B04
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 139152203 ) then      -- 4B4B4B08
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 494960768 ) then      -- 8080801D
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 68161552 ) then      -- 10101004
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 470880529 ) then      -- 1111111C
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 136585248 ) then      -- 20202408
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 138099516 ) then      -- 3C3B3B08
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 68688931 ) then      -- 231C1804
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 135796760 ) then      -- 18181808
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 18907168 ) then      -- 20802001
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 16810008 ) then      -- 18800001
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 25198720 ) then      -- 80808001
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 16809984 ) then      -- 00800001
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 218136576 ) then      -- 0080000D
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 19544192 ) then      -- 80382A01
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 220870784 ) then      -- 80382A0D
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 16777216 ) then      -- 00000001
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
else if ( HEADER == 203966022 ) then      -- 4646280C
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "4646280C"
else if ( HEADER == 68558635 ) then      -- 2B1F1604
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "2B1F1604"
else if ( HEADER == 135667499 ) then      -- 2B1F1608
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "2B1F1608"
else if ( HEADER == 135862553 ) then      -- 19191908
		fa=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fb=readshort f #unsigned+1
		fc=readshort f #unsigned+1
		ta1=readlong f
		ta1=readshort f	
		append Face_array[fc,fb,fa]
		print "19191908"
--print count
fseek f OffsFaces #seek_set

for x = 1 to NumFaces do
dr = dr+1
print dr as string
ReadFaces f
print ""

--Print ("Last Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))

msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
--msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
--buildTVFaces msh

--Print ("Last Read @ 0x"+((bit.intAsHex(ftell f))as string))
fclose f
print FName
print "OK!"
CreateDialog  MainRollout
fn fn_test = 
print "test"	

rollout rollout_test "Test Rollout"
button btn_test "Button"	

on btn_test pressed do
createdialog rollout_test
Функция не может находится внутри нажатия кнопки.