Нужна помощь в разборе скрипта


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Скрипт взят
Скрипт запускается, но Не понятно как он работает

num_iteration = 4
max_iteration = 100
num_bourgeon = 4
current_iteration = 0
num_objetSize = 100.00
ratio = 1.0/2.2
chaos_scale = 0
chaos_angle = 0
offset_angle = #(0,0,0)

lockedID = false
lockedVColor = false
lockedOffsetRatio = false

colorIteration = 0
colorBranching = 0

fn VertexColorOverride obj = --function that change all vertex color of an object
	nVerts = obj.GetNumVertices()--number of vertex in the Epoly
	vertexSet = #{1..(nVerts)}--vertex list of the Epoly
	obj.EditablePoly.setSelection #Vertex vertexSet --selection of all vertex
	vertexList = obj.EditablePoly.GetSelection(2)
	obj.SetVertexColor obj.wireColor 0 --set the vertex color on channel 0

fn PolygonIDOverride obj = --function that change all ID of an object
	nPoly = obj.getNumFaces()--number of polygone in the poly
	polySet = #{1..(nPoly)} --polyList of the Epoly
	polyop.setFaceMatID obj polySet ((current_iteration + 1) as Integer) -- change the polyID

fn ScaleMoveRotateTint obj parentObj numName numNode = --apply the scale, the offset, the random rotation, the tint, and maybe the ID overriding
	--create the random and offset rotation
	obj.parent = parentObj
	rotation_angle = eulerangles ((random -chaos_angle chaos_angle) + offset_angle[1]) ((random -chaos_angle chaos_angle) +offset_angle[2]) ((random -chaos_angle chaos_angle) + offset_angle[3])
	rand_ratio = random -chaos_scale chaos_scale
	mf = num_objetSize * (1+ ratio) --offset value for the new node
	if lockedOffsetRatio do
		mf = num_objetSize * (1+ ratio + rand_ratio) --offset value for nodes
	in coordsys local rotate obj rotation_angle --random rotation
	in coordsys local move obj [0, 0, mf] --moving
	greenValue = (numName *  colorBranching)
	rg = current_iteration / num_iteration as Float
	--print ("rg : " + (rg as String))
	greenValue = (parentObj.wireColor.g * rg) + (greenValue *(1.0- rg))
	in coordsys local scale obj [ratio + rand_ratio, ratio + rand_ratio, ratio + rand_ratio] --scale
	obj.wireColor = color (colorIteration * (current_iteration + 1)) greenValue 128 --tint = ("fractObj_"+(current_iteration as String)+"_"+(numNode as String)+"_"+(numName as String)) --rename
	--changing object ID ?
	if lockedID do
		PolygonIDOverride obj
	--changing VertexColor
	if lockedVColor do
		VertexColorOverride obj
fn KochIterate localObjetList = --recurcive function to clone objects
	newObjectList=#() --temporary list of nodes

	for j = 1 to  localObjetList.count  do
		clonedObject = localObjetList[j] --take the current node
		name_increment = 0 -- reset of name numeration
		if num_bourgeon == 3 or num_bourgeon == 4 or num_bourgeon == 5 or num_bourgeon == 1 do
			d = copy clonedObject
			ScaleMoveRotateTint d clonedObject name_increment j	
			join newObjectList #(d)
			name_increment += 1
		if num_bourgeon == 2 do
			d1 = copy clonedObject
			rotation_angle = eulerangles 90 0 0
			in coordsys local rotate d1 rotation_angle
			ScaleMoveRotateTint d1 clonedObject name_increment j			
			join newObjectList #(d1)
			name_increment += 1
			d2 = copy clonedObject
			rotation_angle = eulerangles 270 0 0
			in coordsys local rotate d2 rotation_angle
			ScaleMoveRotateTint d2 clonedObject name_increment j	
			join newObjectList #(d2)
			name_increment += 1
		if num_bourgeon ==  3 do --creation of left and right oriented nodes
			d1 = copy clonedObject
			rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 120 0
			in coordsys local rotate d1 rotation_angle
			ScaleMoveRotateTint d1 clonedObject name_increment j			
			join newObjectList #(d1)
			name_increment += 1
			d2 = copy clonedObject
			rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 240 0
			in coordsys local rotate d2 rotation_angle
			ScaleMoveRotateTint d2 clonedObject name_increment j			
			join newObjectList #(d2)
			name_increment += 1
		if num_bourgeon ==  4 do --creation of tripode oriented nodes
			for i = 1 to 3 do
				d = copy clonedObject				
				rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 0 (120 * i)
				in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle
				rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 120 0
				in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle			
				ScaleMoveRotateTint d clonedObject name_increment j				
				join newObjectList #(d)
				name_increment += 1
		if num_bourgeon ==  5 do --creation of quadripode oriented nodes
			for i = 1 to 4 do
				d = copy clonedObject				
				rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 0 (90 * i)
				in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle
				rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 90 0
				in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle			
				ScaleMoveRotateTint d clonedObject name_increment j				
				join newObjectList #(d)
				name_increment += 1
		if num_bourgeon ==  6 do --creation of 6 oriented nodes
			for i = 1 to 3 do
				for h = 1 to 2 do
					d = copy clonedObject				
					rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 0 (120 * i + h*60)
					in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle
					rotation_angle = eulerangles 0 (90 * (h-1) + 30) 0
					in coordsys local rotate d rotation_angle			
					ScaleMoveRotateTint d clonedObject name_increment j						
					join newObjectList #(d)
					name_increment += 1
	current_iteration += 1
	num_currentSize *= ratio
	--print ("taille courante : " + (num_currentSize as String))
	--print ("iteration numero : " + (current_iteration as String))
	if current_iteration < num_iteration do -- if there is still iteration level, relaunch the fractalize function on the new array
		tempArray = deepCopy newObjectList
		KochIterate tempArray

fn ScanObject = --keep the first editable poly of the selection
	for obj in selection do
		if classof obj.baseObject == Editable_Poly do --if the selected obj is an editable poly
			--print "loop de scan objet"			
			kovalenceList[1] = obj
			obj.wireColor = color 0 0 128
			num_currentSize = num_objetSize
			current_iteration = 0
			colorIteration = 255.0 / num_iteration as Float
			colorBranching = 255.0 / num_bourgeon as Float
			if lockedID do
				maxOps.CollapseNode obj on
				--set the ID
				PolygonIDOverride obj
			if lockedVColor do --init vertexColorModifier (R : iteration age, G : Node id)
				maxOps.CollapseNode obj on
				--set the vertex Color
				VertexColorOverride obj
			KochIterate kovalenceList --launch iteration on the first object

rollout Koch "Koch Object V 1.1 -- by Pierre Lemasson"
	group "basics parameters"
		spinner Iteration "fractal iteration" range:[0,max_iteration,num_iteration] type:#integer
		spinner Bourgeon "number of nodes" range:[1, 6, num_bourgeon] type:#integer
		spinner tailleObjet "basic object size" range:[-1000,1000,num_objetSize] type:#float
	group "growing parameters"
		spinner ratioDeDivision "scale divider" range:[0.1, 8, 2.2] type:#float	
		spinner chaosScale "chaos scale" range:[0,1,chaos_scale] type:#float
		spinner chaosRotation "chaos angle" range:[0,360,chaos_angle] type:#float
		checkbox constrainOffset "constrain offset with chaos ratio"
	group "offset rotation"
		spinner offsetRotationX "offset angle X" range:[-180,180,offset_angle[1]] type:#float
		spinner offsetRotationY "offset angle Y" range:[-180,180,offset_angle[2]] type:#float
		spinner offsetRotationZ "offset angle Z" range:[-180,180,offset_angle[3]] type:#float
	group "dynamic overriding of IDs and UV"
		edittext IDText fieldWidth:275 height:36 bold:false labelOnTop:false readOnly:true
		text:"This option override polygon IDand branching ID\r\n(WARNING, collapse all modifiers)"
		checkbox overrideID "overriding IDs"
		edittext VColorText fieldWidth:275 height:62 bold:false labelOnTop:false readOnly:true
		text:"This option set vertex color from the current iteration\r\nand branching ID (WARNING, collapse all modifiers and\r\nnot avialable before 3DSmax 2010) - Red is iteration\n\rlevel and Green is branching ID"

		checkbox overrideVColor "overriding vertexColor"
	button Koch "Clonage fractal" width:180
	on Iteration changed val do num_iteration = val
	on Bourgeon changed val do num_bourgeon = val
	on tailleObjet changed val do num_objetSize = val
	on chaosScale changed val do chaos_scale = val
	on chaosRotation changed val do chaos_angle = val
	on offsetRotationX changed val do offset_angle[1] = val
	on offsetRotationY changed val do offset_angle[2] = val
	on offsetRotationZ changed val do offset_angle[3] = val
	on ratioDeDivision changed val do ratio = (1.0 / val)
	on overrideID changed theState do lockedID = theState
	on overrideVColor changed theState do lockedVColor = theState
	on constrainOffset changed theState do lockedOffsetRatio = theState
    on Koch pressed do ScanObject()	
createDialog Koch 310 510


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