List of bug fixes in Xsi v3.0.1

List of features, bug fixes and performance enhancements in Xsi v3.0.1

Animation Modeling
Audio Project Management
Compositing Rendering
Converters/Import/Export Scripting
Data Management SDK
Desktop Setup
Games Simulation
General Viewing/Interaction


62518 Rotate multiple bones doesn't work properly and no undo.
85563 Changing Timeline frame rate/length performance [effected by large image file access -.maps present]
85568 Copy and paste key in dope sheet not working correctly.
85959 NCharacter rig - no local pos marking set on arm upvectors
86080 Still having issues with SRT field entry in MCP (redundant update removes the selection in the edit field (TAB key doesn't work)
86091 Animation Editor: problem with region editor selection tool and sticky mode.
86160 Curve Processing does not work correctly
86171 Reference Model-Problems with Apply Action Vs Mixer clip-upon scene save [Crash on save-or Action missing when loaded]
86451 SaveDeformKey command does not work when there is only one cluster selected
86453 Deform motion: Club bot + drunk walk the character walks backward after using DeformMotion.
86615 Animation Editor : values are getting lost when editing frame number when curve is cycled.
86702 Bad refresh with undo on scale when the object has a path constraint
86710 Linux - Deform motion is not working on Linux
86751 Linux\Irix Only - Can only change the weight of mixer clips once and XSI crash if you open a new scene after those steps.
86834 Create rig from guide crashes XSI
86838 Create spine crashes XSI


86349 Audio stops when you create a new project


86435 Crash clicking on the keyer tool buttons
86677 Crash viewing a Output node with effects and no inputs.


86106 Crash on exit after exporting to .smd format
86271 dotXSI - Export of Shape in 3.6 and polygon list in 3.0 when using legacy shaders.
86398 SI3D Loader - Linux - CRASH when loading customer scene file in XSI
86672 Importing SI3D model Crashes XSI.
86721 DotXSI | Crash importing specific .xsi file

Data Management

85814 Crash on exit with customer scene | ActiveData.dll
86082 Problems changing properties on particles when they are part of referenced models + crash when loading a scene with ref model & simulation
86114 Crash duplicating object that is part or a referenced model
86124 Cannot add 2 projects from the same samba drive
86127 Crash duplicating models which contain simulation
86132 Browser : Deleting files doesn't delete the files
86162 Problems opening scene with referenced models
86185 Ref models: calling ApplyAction on a referenced model doesn't log the changes. so the fcurves are not persisted.
86345 Referenced models from 2.0.3 do not update correctly in 3.0
86436 Import a ref. model and put some objects on a group -> Objects below "submodels" don't stay on the Group after a save\load.
86770 Unable to open a 3.01 scene

86944 Refmodel crash when saving a scene containing constraints from objects in the ref model

86843 Linux: history of saves are not listed in the history


79452 Desktop-Layouts: Support for a User Preferences Layout selection option. (or just recall current layout)


86731 DirectX - vertex colors are not properly passed to a vertex shader

85657 History log gets flushed if closed when exporting actors


86196 Invalid Project error when attempting to load scenes
86496 Persistence - Maintain an history of Saves to find out from which version this file came from.
86708 When saving a scene, copy external file should copy photonmap and fgmap of all passes in the new project.
86821 Regression | Crash in Transform manager when undo level is set to 0 [CTransformTask.cpp]


85795 Painting tags,polys,vertex colors with brush doesn't work with fog enabled in the view's display options
85990 Bevel slider should go to negative values for inverted bevels
86146 Playback optimization not set to ALL can produce crashes on load or during interaction, and causes disappearing objects
86203 Deleting trims crashes XSI
86226 Crash when rendering scene (MOPOLYMESH \ SI_VertexContentDescriptor)
86290 Wave : problems when values in time control are the same
86576 Crash : freezing move points in operator stack which contains an envelope

Project Management

86357 Multiple mounted drive problem with the same starting name


85952 using fine displacement on a nurbs will show incorrect shading

86430 image management mode gets out of sync and requires few setvalues in series to reset it to expected mode
86697 xsi render crashes when motion blur is enabled... can't allocate -795573136 bytes. MEM exits. (negative value?)

86784 MR DROP Causes an asrt when switching memory management mode. [imgpyramid.c]

86646 No longer possible to Dnd an image clip from exporer to a rendertree


86086 SDK: CRASH in GetValue walking the scene
86122 Python - Wrong Syntax Logged Command
86123 Python - Iteration hang XSI
86528 LINUX | Local properties / String Length


85465 XSI SDK: Online help: Combo box listing only the method name without the object name beside it.
85932 C++ API: Unhandled exception when calling the function Triangle::GetPolygonNodeNormalArray()
86089 Cannot create a SiObject from a CRef object of type Triangle or TriangleVertex
86144 No way in C++ to get at objects that don't have core objects e.g. ImageSource, View
86149 C++ API: Bad values returned by the attributes u, v from of the class CUV
86217 XSI creating empty Simulation folders at the wrong place
86281 failed to return correct target if target is a parameter
86343 _NewEnum property missing from all OM collections, problems with Python.
86347 CRASH calling a command with no arguments from CPP SDK
86356 C++ API - conversion from SafeArray to CValueArray not handled
86495 Possible Crash initializing optional output argument in NurbsSurfaceMesh class
86144 SDK: no way in C++ to get at objects that don't have core objects e.g. ImageSource, View

87190 ShaderWizard: can't compile on Unix


86277 Setup | P3 Ray version mismatch on linux
86447 SPM - Cloth license denied to Advanced license on quad processor machine
86492 Educational licenses have to support 2 CPU


85816 XSI crash after successive particles deletion or going into tag mode (repeatedly)
85817 Switching to point selection sometimes moves particles
85943 XSI- Particle clustering behavior with sub-frame emission
85977 Regression : copystyle is inaccurate in some cases
86051 Hair | On load, cache file state is not read until frame is changed
86133 Crash Rendering Geometry Hair with Shadows
86192 Hair Crashing at render Time is scale 0 at frame a and scale >0 at frame b
86275 Blocky Artifacts when Rendering Multiple Hairs
86355 Scripted ops don't work on hair any more
86394 Collision Detection Breaks When Hair emitter has a Transform on it.
86499 Combing not behaving properly
86573 Comb causing Hair to Incorrectly follow emitter Rotation if emmiter had an active rotation before hair was Applied.
86636 Hair Used in Exclusive Light List Still has Shadows rendered.
86742 IRIX | Particles don't render under IRIX

86135 Geometry hair renders with Various artifacts

87102 Spline Hairs Cannoty have Dynamics Applied.

86933 XSI- Particle Blob shader does not react to light correctly in 3.0/3.01


85521 XSI Browser cannot see image files- via UNC path
86147 Unable to move point with Object Viewer
86628 D&D empty Netview link crash XSI
86813 Selection filters no longer working properly with Lasso selection type.
86818 XSI - Raycast does not work for negatively scaled objects