Вопрос ко всем

Привет всем !
Мой вопрос скорее косвенно относится к трехмерной графике и анимации. Видите ли, я задумываюсь ( иногда ), где учатся люди, работающие с 3D, какое образование получают ? Вобщем-то, мне очень интересно - где вы учитесь, люди ? 8) И вообще, нужно ли для работы дизайнером или худ.-аниматором получать высшее образование или же хватает каких-либо специализированных курсов ?
Получилось так, что мне нужно искать высшее уч. заведение, и поскольку я занимаюсь 3D, хочу учиться с пользой для ума.
Хороший вопрос... Вот только дать на него хороший ответ сложно :( В любом случае высшее художественное/дизайнерское образование - это очень хорошо. С другой стороны, если тебя больше привлекает техническая сторона, и тебе нравится писать шейдеры и утилиты, наверно, нет смысла тратить 5-6 лет на цвет, композицию, историю искусств и протчая, лучше закончить что-нибудь связанное с математикой, программированием, IT и пр...
Хе хе... )))
эт смотря кем ты хочешь стать, если собираешься всю жизнь двигать вертиксы по чужим скетчам, делай упор в технологию, а если хочешь сам рисовать эти скетчи и руководить группой двигателей вертиксов - учись дизайну. )))
В принципе и та и другая жизненная позиция хороша в своем роде )))
С сетнября при СТАНКИН-е открываются первый в России курс 3D по трех уровневой схеме образования.

PS Если есть вопросы то пиши на
Осмелюсь предложить ВГИК, факультет "Режиссура анимационного кино".
Там в программу обучения входит подготовка в области компьютерной графики. Подробности можно узнать в самом институте.

Mike Borozdin

Активный участник
А кто-нибудь, что-нибудь знает про Санкт-Петербургский Университет Кино и Телевидения - Там есть факультет со специальность аниматор, и факультет "режиссура компьютерной графики", я так понимаю, это режиссура анимации.

esti 2 poniatia
Talant...................togda legko vse daetsa, daje rabota bez vishevo obrazovania

A esti 1%talanta +99% Truda (eto chto mi mnogie po idei delaem)

Nujno, obizatelino nujno.
1.Industria trebuet etovo
2. Imeia obrazovanie, imeesh sviazi
3. Da kakto trudno jiti bez vishevo obrazovania............. :(.

Ia po okonchaniu MICA (Marylan Institution College of Art) s legkostiu poluchil rabotu nedaleko ot moevo doma.(rabotaiu s 18.5)

Esle esti voprosi.....mogu eshe bolishe raskazati, a tak nehochu raspiliatsa
da vi shto muzhiki - krisha poexala u vas????

v kazhdom univere est specialnost 3D Industrial Designer (promishlennost) ili 3D Character Animator (dlya multimedia). Ne znayu kak v Rashke no u nas v Shtatax eto ochen serezno postavlenno. Poluchesh diplom so stepenu Bachelor or Master i vpered. S vishim obrazovaniem sdes procent popadania v 20 raz vishe chem bez vishego.

esli talant takoi chto truba kak xochetsa, to mozhesh studencheskuya visu poluchit i priexat uchitsa suda. zakonchish i reshish kuda potom lamanutsa v rashku ili shtatax kareru razvivat.
3D Industrial Designer takovo netu..........esti industrial desing, i esti shkoli kotorie spechialino na etom spechializiruiutsa. v shkolah industrialinovo designa 75% obuchenie eto mishlenie na bumage, razrabotka modelei. CG tam prisutstvuet no ne v bolishom kolichestve

Industrialinii design eto talant ! + 99% raboti
Industrial Design shkoli ocheni dorogie---30,000 v god eto stabilino

Banchelors of Art mojno seichas sebe v popu pihnuti........k etomu nujno bolishe chem bumajka

zaidi na; employment sektsiu i podumaite esle voobshe stoit tuda suvatsa
>3D Industrial Designer takovo netu........

check out this link (if there's industrial design then there's always industrial designer)

at the bottom of that link

>v shkolah industrialinovo designa 75% obuchenie eto mishlenie na bumage, razrabotka modelei. CG tam prisutstvuet no ne v bolishom kolichestve

this is all bullshit, man. I did graduate CAD Industrial Design Major from NYU. I got bachelor degree in it. Don't tell anyone what you just said here in this forum. Otherwise you get upset toooooooo many people around the world especially in US. CG is in the main subjects as it was as it will ever. Using sketches or drafts everyone has to go through even animators (it's called clip-boards or story-line). For Industrial designer in the collage there's always a practice to read those drafts and understand them as well as a draftsman (or drafter). No more than that. Then you model the draft onto a 2D stage first then into 3D environment.

>Industrialinii design eto talant ! + 99% raboti

who are you trying to kid???? Anyone who ever build 3D Environment will tell you tedious work is the most common thing in any ANY ANY 3D building process.

About a talant: if you read and understand the draft and know where to click in 3D program by heart then this is not a talant this comes with EXPERIENCE AND A LOT OF PRACTICE. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE WILL ALWAYS TURN INTO KNOWLEDGE.

First you work for your experience then experience work for you.

TALANT IS DIFFERENT - TALANT COMES WHEN YOU visualize objects and put them into 3D or 2D or whatever.

Like I said you want to be a talant but you will never be the one if you don't know where to click in maya or max or AutoCAD2002 and such and such.

>Industrial Design shkoli ocheni dorogie---30,000 v god eto stabilino


Schools are no more than 4,000 to 7,000 dollars.

University is expensive 12,000 to 22,000 dollars.

Make sure that you are correct when express your line of words.....

>Banchelors of Art mojno seichas sebe v popu pihnuti........k etomu nujno bolishe chem bumajka

OK........... I am getting my AK47 now out of my old sackvoyage.......
What the fuuck are you mumbling about, SOB... Ah???

Your talant will never render you through the piles of port-folios on the desk at any boss' office. You got to be extremely lucky as well as super-talanted to get to the point where educated and sofisticated pro is. You spend years of freelancing before someone will say a word for you to get you hired at BIG GUNS in such industry. Bachelar Degree as well as of course Master Degree is a sure thing to be there in much MUCH MUCH shorter time. That's why cariere-minded young kids are already working there because they have that degree and any boss understand that they already spent so much money and time that they will not leave the company. They need money to pay their loans back. Do you understand the reason????? Ahh??
The BIG GUNS need to see how much you already sacrofice for your cariere. They want you to stay with them not to leave. They will pay good money to graduates with a couple of years of experience. AND THAT IS TRUTH!! PAINFUL FOR YOU BUT TRUTH!! GOT THAT!!!

>zaidi na; employment sektsiu i podumaite esle voobshe stoit tuda suvatsa

OK it is a good example you are not getting out of that. You are getting ZILCH!!!
The 99.9% are freelancers with no education background at all. Bunch of sleezy induviduals like you probably are. They have no good background and street language as it gets. Who needs them? That's why they are agreed to relocate anywhere in the world but who's going to pay for their relocation. N-O-B-O-D-Y!!
That's why the dates when they publish their resumes are so old. Because nobody needs them...

Ufffff.... I am tired to go through with you and hopelessness you shadow on our russian friends. Don't do it again!! Just let people deside what they want to do and how to be the best and at the best places in the world. I'd rather see more our russian friends everywhere then just Russia. The more of us at the WHEELS of any world industry the much better. Uneducated people have no future. Even jews understood this very long ago.
oh @!#$ you think I will read it all, think 2.......

and next time your are trying to say @!#$ you.......or what a @!#$ are you trying to say...............then think might @!#$ yourself ............ !
V dobavok skaju esti employment section........kotoraia razdelenna na 5 chastei (ili bolishe) tak vot ti zaglanie v chati Industrialinovo designa, a ne 3d................
------------- (nepostisniasia zaidi na portfolio sektsiu) ..........vse eto moi ruk delo....

Slabii ti designer esle lezish v draku + esle putaesh professi + oskorbliaesh oponentov. Udachi