
Lighting Effects with Chrome and Glass
Here you will add chrome and glass materials to the spheres, then soften the shadow edges and add caustic effects to reinforce the illusion of these shiny and transparent materials. (Caustics are the bright highlights cast on surfaces via reflection or refraction.)

Adding chrome and glass to the spheres

Open The Material Editor and find the two materials Chrome Ball and Glass Ball.

Drag the Chrome Ball material to the right sphere, and the Glass Ball to the left sphere.

These are two different Raytrace materials, one with high reflectivity, the other with strong transparency.

Render again.

Raytrace Glass and Chrome materials on the spheres

You'll notice that the rendering slows down a bit when it processes the spheres. This is because the program has to compute the raytracing bouncing back and forth between the two raytrace materials. A dialog box appears momentarily while it calculates the memory it uses for the raytracing.

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