СПАСИТЕ Глубина резкости

Никак не могу разобратся с глубиной резкости.
В "камере" выставляю,вроде, все нужные параметры,
в Render settings>effects>depth of Field ставлю галочку.
И всё равно ничего не выходит.
может где ещё галочек каких понаставить?


Извините за спам.
6. Quick Tutorial – Depth of Field

Open a new (empty) scene and create three male or female models (objects/object library/zygote
man or zygote woman). Move one of the figures along the Z-Axis to Z=-1000 and the other to
Create a camera object (objects/scene/camera). Place the camera at the following position:
X=370, Y=200, Z=1500 using the Attributes Manager,. Set the angle at H=25 degrees, P=17
degrees. In the editor window’s menu choose (objects/scene/camera). The editor view will switch
to the camera’s view. All three figures should be visible.
Now we’ll make the settings for the depth of field. Switch to “depth“ in the camera menu of the
Attributes Manager. Set the target distance to 1500 and set “front blur“ and “rear blur“ to a start
value of 100 and an end value of 1000.
The target distance is the point of focus of the camera. An object located 1500 units from the
camera object – as is the case with our figure located in the center – will appear the clearest.
Objects located in front of or behind this object will be rendered out of focus. Simply activate this
effect in the render settings to make this effect visible.
Open the render settings and switch to “effects“. Select “depth of field“ in the pull-down menu
at the top right and increase the “blur strength“ to 5%. This makes the effect more obvious.
Render the scene. Only the figure in the center will be in focus. You can customize the strength of
the effect using the parameters in the render settings.
а я вот чтой-то туплю,
у меня такой вопрос, как сделать явное изменения точки фокусировки.
не меняя позиционирования сомой камеры..???
одни м словом чтоб фокус на картинке "перемещался" с заднего плана на пердений итд..
автофокус не дал нужного результата.....