рваный контур!!! что делать?

недавно установил brazil, после установки бразиловской камеры и источника света получается рваные контуры обьектов. друзья, у кого-нибудь возникала такая проблема? подскажите какие настройки нужно изменить, чтобы этого не было. спасибо.
Brazil:Image Sampling
выбери Р2 или Р3

более подробно ниже выписка из хелпа
извини если не понимаешь, но набирать это на русском ленюсь ;-)
видел в рунете мануал в переводе на русский, но там жуткостно отстойный перевод... похоже просто в promt загнали и всё, так что лучше читай оригинал

5.3.1 Image Sampling Control Sampling Display
The sampling display tells you the min and max rates used for the image sampling. The number in the figure above, [1x1], represents the number of samples used per pixel. If you are using adaptive sampling, there will be two sets of numbers in this box, one stating the minimum number of samples used, and one stating the maximum number of samples used. Min Samples
The min samples used to antialias your images. This is the base number used for every pixel in the image. A higher number will improve image quality, but will also increase your render times. Max Samples
The max samples are used when the system needs to adaptively sample the image. Normally the renderer goes through the image using the Minimum Sample value, but if it encounters an area that meets the requirements that you set based on the contrast and the various detection methods in the Image Sampling Control it will adaptively use up to the Maximum Samples value that you set. Increasing samples will increase render times dramatically. By keeping the max samples at 0 or at the same number of min samples, you disable the adaptive sampling. Jitter Samples
The Jitter setting is the random distribution of the samples. This prevents any normal patterns of sampling in the different buckets combatting aliasing effects. Low Contrast/High Contrast
These two items are used to compare the contrast needed to trigger the adaptive sampling for that pixel.
5.3..1.6 Show Adapt Samples
This option allows you to see where extra samples are being used in your renders. The color picker to the right lets you choose a color to represent your adaptive samples. In areas with a high concentration of adaptive samples, the color from the color picker will be placed on your images. This is most noticeable at the edges of objects. Object Edge
By turning on this option, the engine will check for a change in edges of the objects, and if needed, will apply antialiasing.