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Я вот никак не могу понять - Radiosity и Global Illumination - это одно и тоже (по качеству), или все таки нет? Вот есть у меня Lightscape, иногда применяю его в работе. А тут у вас на форуме обнаружила информацию о некоем "Final Render", так на сайте и в описании написано что рендеринг в нем осуществляется по алгоритму GI....
Нет, насколько я понимаю Radiosity - это рассеивание света, отражение его от предмета и с уменьшением фотонов отражение света на окужающую среду.
А GlobalIllumination - это способ освещения, но чтобы сработало явление Radiocity нужно включить способ глобального освещения...
А FinalRender это рейтрейсовый рендер, который может эмулировать Radiocity, и, естественно, с помощью GlobalIllumination.
Вот и все :) Удачи...
Если что не понятно, пиши...
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Why Global Illumination ?

finalRender creates photorealistic images by recreating natural light levels found in a 3D scene. The lighting simulation uses advanced raytracing techniques to compute the illumination values- the amount of light each surface receives or emits. There are two competing rendering technologies for light simulation, one is Global Illumination & the other is called Radiosity.

Radiosity uses a different approach to calculate and simulate light. It is geometry dependent, so it needs to subdivide meshes as its algorithm decides, this usually results in extremely high memory consumption. Even though there are other drawbacks with radiosity renderings, it is thought that radiosity is more accurate when distributing light in a 3D scene As Raytraced Global Illumination calculations done by Radiosity are so different in their core, you might expect different results in the rendering. In fact, the visual results you get out of either rendering method would be identical be cause both methods use a physically correct approach to distributing light in a 3D scene.
Nowadays however, Global Illumination has become accepted as the only reasonable method to render physic ally correct light distribution. An advantage GI has to offer is its unlimited scalability of the rendering process itself. With other rendering methods each calculation is
dependent on a previous result This isn't the case with finalRender as everything may ran in parallel, so more processors will accelerate the rendering process. These are a few of the reasons why finalRender has chosen a raytracing approach to Global Illumination.