Песочный человек: как?

I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
Reducing polysize down to 0,01, to get nicie, smooth look of the fluid, but it can eat up your ram as a piece of cake, so be aware, to add this step at the very end of creation.
It is not such a big deal, if (since) you have 1,00gb ram or more (recommended more). Faster proc. , than, you getting faster particle calcul. result.


I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
Checking up the geometry. There isn´t overlaps at all, nor the "bad trips", or tris, so you can ad even more details msmoothing in 3d ap, without bad mesh cracks.


I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
Adding relaxation to the mesh. Probably you will not add much, because of sand, because it is not the water, honey, melted chocolate, melted lead, or quick silver. So check it out in real world, to get perception how it looks for real.


I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
So, there is it! Right in to Maya, with materials added, shaded with...I don´t know which graphic card?
Notice how many polygons are imported in to Maya! Quite over a Million!


I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
So here´s the test quick time film for the effect. Hope that you have winrar for opening it.

There are numerous variations that you can add to this effects.
L.E.: you can make man melting down, into the water, or rising up from water, mud, sand:))), or rocks, or liquid metal, such have been presented looooong ago in Terminator II:The Judgment Day, this scene in mental hospital when t-1000 is rising up from checkered:_)))) floor, wow.

Here is my view: First create character in Poser, or so, than animate it, when sandyman carefully watch
his new born heands, arms and the rest of the body. So animate it, the way you like, and the export it in to some 3d app. Than export it to realflow and recreate the same effect. It isn´t hard at all! I, realy don´t know will you loose created keys for body movements, if you do some nasty, monsterlike mesh´s refining.
Another advice is to create low poly or export low poly from somewhere to some 3d ap, and than do base tweaking, and import that in to zbrush, where you can create an animation too, as far as I know. Im not considering with the animation, as well with lighting, compositing the image, and rendering, so take my advices with certain reserve.

Hope that it helps,


P.S. I can sent you required files to rapid, if you want to make exactly the same effect.

I.S. Turgenjev

Активный участник
Even dough this topic is not considered with this page, still I would like to say few words about the film called "Spiderman".

So, about spiderman as a movie:
I watched that film while ago, because my friend invited me, otherwise, I wouldn´t waste my time on such a( Pardon me) CRAP! Finnaly, on the ending of the movie I fellt to sleep, in cinema, I was so, so bored.
I will be realy straight to you: I haven´t seen in my entire life more idiotic and stupid film, such as this one.
It was such a waste of HUUUUGE ammount of money, exactly, to be more precise - 258.000.000 US $, were wasted on that piece of nothing. Or, may I say, american way of making brainwash films, which saying exactly nothing at all. Only gorgeous cgi effects make things better, only that. Plot is realy idiotic without any sense, like some stupid kid make comic book with a budget of couple houndred millinos of Dollars.
L.E.: Spiderman and son of Goblin are flying around the city about 20-25 minutes of film, and all the way they crushing theirs bodys fiercly against walls, pipes, brick and concrete. And nothing happens to them, they continue to chase them selfs on the buildings. But when goblinsson crash his head against pipe in front of him, not so bad injury, you think for such a super-hero, considering with injuries that they had all over the scene. But with some kind of stupid directors childish logic he badly injure him self! WOW! What a non-sense! Entire scene they were hunting them selfs around and crushing against wall and so on, but nothing happens, but suddenly mr. Goblinsson crash his head against aluminium pipe and lost battle! BRLJARF!

On you tube you can find that scene.

Also, mr. Parker seems to be quite stupid, retard guy. Until some kind of I-don´t-know-what-it-may-be thing from outer space take over him. And he starts to be mean. Which meens that he started to notice pretty girls on the streets. To drink and have some more fun in his life, based to protect New Yorkers from crime. Oh, what a nasty guy, what a sin, to take a look on to some beautiful girls. Is it mean behavior? So, he isn´t any more amorpf-asexual beeing, but starts as any other real male. By my perception it is quite ok for normal young man to watch pretty girls on the streets.

Quite Hollywoodish bullshity, new wave film.( Beg my pardon). Only thing that I can say i this: BRALJF- FOOY.

I think that those old comics about Spiderman and Cat-Girl were much, much more dramatic with better script than this one.
It was 20-25 years ago, so it may be, for the reason that I was only a kid in those times, and didn´t take things seriously as doing now.

On the films promotion, here in Sarajevo I saw a rows and rows of little kids and teens waiting for the tickets.

Soon after that I was in Italy, it isn´t far away from my place-over Adriatic sea with a boat it takes few hours of sailing. Over there, in small city of Peschici and expecialy in Regio di Calabria I saw adults 20, 25, 30 years old, waiting for the tickets in front of cinemas!!! I couldn´t believe that!

Im sorry, if I bored you with this, but I just want to let you know my opinion.

What a deep philosophy my be found in that block-buster, for average american guy, and theirs perception of the world!



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