Outline ili Isoparm to Spline????

Spasibo za pomosh s "bevelom", teper` ocherednaya problemka, v MAXe ya mogu podognat` model
do nugnih mne razmerov s vidergivaniem proporciy vo vremia ustonavlivaniya bevel-razmerov, no v XSI,
posle Bevela, object uvelichilsia v razmerah, konechno mona dat` elementarniy "Scale", ne problema...,
no zadumka takova, chto bevel object dolgen bit` opayasan metallicheskim kol`com, kak opravka kol`ca,
okamliayushaya brulik...., kak ya mogu , esli eto vozmogno, na osnovanii bevel obgekta poluchit`novuyu krivuyu,
dlia opayasivania bevel-objecta?(imenno opayasivania, tak-kak bevel-object, v posledstvii budet iz stekla,
zmaya vozmognosti Maya ya bi selectiroval samiy krayniy "Isoparm"(edge) u objecta , i prevratil ego v
posledstvii v samostoyatel`niy splayne, i ispol`zoval ego dlia progonki po nemu sechenia v kachestve "Path"(extrude))
I kak potom ob`ediniaetsia neskol`ko objectov v edinuyu gruppu?
S Udovol`stviem, no k sogaleniyu v XSI na vse prichindali sovershenno drugie nazvaniya, poetomu nado dlia nachala znat` chto iskat`....., pochemu Maya srazu zavoevala popul`arnost`, chto "OBSOLUTNO" vse funkcional`nie nazvaniya vziala iz predidushih Power Animator, a skazem v MAX i pomoemu i v drugih poketah funkcii pod temege nazvaniyami, i chelovek svobodno, prakticheski, mog peresest` s "Mladshih graphicheskih paketov" v "Starshuyu Gruppu".....
(Ia mojet neprav TK sam eshe neocheni v XSI 2)

Toesti tebe nado Nurbs prevratiti v Polygon mesh
(doca obiasniaet eto namnogo luche chem ia mogu eto zdelati)

------------Converting NURBS Surfaces to Polygon Meshes -----------------------------------

You can create a polygon mesh by converting a NURBS surface or surface mesh. The generated polygon mesh follows the interpolated surface of the NURBS; that is, the vertices are created at the knot locations and not at the control point locations.

(Note: Trimmed NURBS surfaces imported from other applications are not supported. The trim is not taken into account when converting the surface to a polygon mesh. )

To convert a NURBS surface to a polygon mesh
1.Select a NURBS surface or assembled surface mesh.
2.Choose Create > Poly. Mesh > NURBS to Mesh from the Model toolbar. A new polygon mesh object is created and the NURBS to Mesh property editor opens:
*The Step values specify the number of vertices per knot in each of the surface's U and V directions. The minimum is one vertex per knot.
*The parameters in the Stitch box control whether vertices are merged. If Active is on, then vertices that are closer than the specified Tolerance are merged. This is useful for eliminating superimposed points as may occur at the poles of a surface sphere.
спроецируй Circle на полученный обьект с помощью деформации Shrink Warp (в туторах есть подробное описание как этим пользоватся). А лучше просто екструдить нужные полигоны и все дела