Ошибки Mental Ray при использовании Batch Render в Maya

Юджин Мун

Пользователь сайта
Мое знакомство с 3D-графикой началось с прохождения "Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2011". Проблема возникла только на самом последнем уроке. При попытке вывести сцену MentalRay'ем, используя Batch Render, Maya 2011 выругалась следующим текстом:


Starting "D:\Programs\Autodesk\Maya2011\bin\mayabatch.exe"
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'mentalrayItemsList'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'mentalrayGlobals'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'miDefaultOptions'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'miDefaultFramebuffer'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'miContourPreset'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'Draft'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'DraftMotionBlur'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'DraftRapidMotion'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'Preview'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewMotionblur'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewRapidMotion'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewCaustics'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewGlobalIllum'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewFinalGather'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'Production'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'ProductionMotionblur'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'ProductionRapidMotion'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'ProductionFineTrace'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'ProductionRapidFur'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'ProductionRapidHair'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewImrRayTracyOff'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'PreviewImrRayTracyOn'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'mi_car_paint_phen1'; preserving node information during this session.
Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'mi_car_paint_phen2'; preserving node information during this session.
File read in 0 seconds.
Warning: smoke_export:particleShape1: No cache file found for this object, runup may be needed. Check your workspace particles directory.
Warning: lightningCurve1ParticleShape: No cache file found for this object, runup may be needed. Check your workspace particles directory.
Warning: You will need to rewind and play to see your particles. We recommend you then save the file with a startup cache.
Result: C:/Intro_maya_2011_project/scenes/lesson_86_start__4428.mb
Error: The renderer mentalRay is not registered yet.
Error: Scene C:/Intro_maya_2011_project/scenes/lesson_86_start__4428.mb failed to render.

// Maya exited with status 210


Ребята, помогите разобраться. Google навел только на эти же вопросы - ответов не дал.

Юджин Мун

Пользователь сайта
Рендер пошел. Решил так:
1. Назначил в свойствах проекта все категории;
2. В менеджере плагинов в окне Window -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-in Manager против Mayatomr.mll поставил флажок на Auto load;
3. Перезагрузил Maya.

Но все равно прошу помочь с пониманием того, что мне сказала Maya. Что значат все эти предупреждения?