Maya 5.0 LINUX

Ya ustanovil MAYA 5.0 na RED HAT 8.0
Vse rabotaet prekrasno, krome odnogo - ya ne mogu manipulirovat' mishkoi vo viewports.
Naprimer ya nazhimau Alt+Left Mouse Button, chtobi povernut' object vo viewporte, vmesto etogo dvigaetsya vse okno

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KDE desktop configuration

For Maya to work properly with KDE, some modifications should be made to the mouse control using the Control Center. The default bindings of the Alt key and mouse buttons do not work well with Maya. We recommend turning off the Alt + mouse buttons in the KDE configuration panel.

Different versions of KDE have different methods of selecting the key bindings. See the KDE documentation for specific instructions on how to configure them. Since Maya uses the Alt+mouse buttons for viewport tumbling, you need to ensure the bindings don't conflict.

KDE 2.2-10

Open the KDE Control Center.
Select Look & Feel and then select Window Behavior.
To navigate the windows without clicking each one to set its focus, open the Focus tab and:
Select Focus follows mouse from the Focus policy pull-down menu.
Turn off Click Raise.
To use the Alt + Left Button and Alt + Middle Button keystroke combinations for Maya's camera tools, open the Actions tab and:
In the Inactive Inner Window section, select Left Button > Activate and pass Click.
In the Inner window, titlebar and frame section, select Modifier Key > Meta from the pull-down menu for both keystroke combinations. This assumes that the Meta key is different than the Alt key, depending on the type of keyboard defined.
Click Apply and close the Control Center.