Как взломать Maya 5 Unlimited под Linux?

1- Login as root

2- open a shell and install the package "AWCommon-5.3-3.i686.rpm"
rpm -ihv AWCommon-5.3-3.i686.rpm

3- Then launch in the shell /usr/aw/COM/bin/lmutil lmhostid
and write down the HOST ID number

4- Edit the file aw.dat with a text editor and
replace all "your_hostid" with the host ID you have
in the shell (see step 3)

5- Save aw.dat and exit from text editor.

6- In the shell run:
./aw_keygen aw.dat
(make sure that aw_keygen has executable permission
chmod 700 aw_keygen

7- Now launch in the shell

8- hit install button

9- In the Input File box, browse to the location of the text
license file and choose the license text file that you
created (see step 6)

10- Hit the Install button.

12- A message window will pop up alerting the user to the
status of the licence installation.

If the installation was successful, then you are ready to
launch the Maya 4.5 installation software.

Software installation:

1- Open a shell

2- rpm -ihv Maya4_5-4.5-90.i686.rpm

3- rpm -ihv openmotif-2.1.30-2_ICS.i386.rpm ( if it returns with some errors try
" rpm -ihv --force openmotif-2.1.30-2_ICS.i386.rpm" ) (in support directory)

4- rpm -ihv Maya4_5-docs-4.5-90.i686.rpm ( not compulsory )

5- Done...enjoy !!
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