Как работает Edit Polygons -› Merge Multiple Edges


Активный участник
Попробуй сделать больше параметр Threshold в настройках этого инструмента, это растояние на котором ребра будут объединятся. А если у тебя было два разный объекта, то сначала нужно их совместить. Polygon -> Combine.

Ghost Inet

Активный участник
Threshold максимальный. Выделял одно ребро, два паралельных, два с общей точкой - результат ноль.
Вот что в скриптэдиторе
polyCylinder -r 1 -h 2 -sx 20 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -tx 1 -ch 1;
// Result: pCylinder1 polyCylinder1 //
select -r pCylinder1.e[58] ;
polySewEdge -t 10 -tx 1 -ws 1 -ch 1 pCylinder1.e[58];
// Warning: polySewEdge1 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: No edges were merged. Open Script Editor for details. //
// Result: polySewEdge1 //
select -tgl pCylinder1.e[7] ;
select -tgl pCylinder1.e[7] ;
select -tgl pCylinder1.e[57] ;
polySewEdge -t 10 -tx 1 -ws 1 -ch 1 pCylinder1.e[57:58];
// Warning: polySewEdge1 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: polySewEdge2 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: No edges were merged. Open Script Editor for details. //
// Result: polySewEdge2 //
select -tgl pCylinder1.e[37] ;
select -tgl pCylinder1.e[57] ;
polySewEdge -t 10 -tx 1 -ws 1 -ch 1 pCylinder1.e[37] pCylinder1.e[58];
// Warning: polySewEdge1 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: polySewEdge2 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: polySewEdge3 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: No edges were merged. Open Script Editor for details. //
// Result: polySewEdge3 //
select -cl ;
select -r pCylinder1.e[81] ;
select -cl ;
select -r pCylinder1 ;
polyUnite -ch 1 pCylinder1;
// Error: Invalid selection : polyUnite needs at least 2 polygonal objects. //
select -cl ;


Активный участник
Лучше всего если бы посмотреть скриншот твоей модели, может так что то не то в геометрии.


вы все перепробовали?
You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object.

Ghost Inet

Активный участник
Voo, надо ли скриншот для такого простого? Наконец-то нашел хоть какую-то инфу по команде. Хотя "сшивание граничных ребер" весьма расплывчато. Для чего эта команда?
Создаю 2 поликубa. Выделяю их. Poligons\Combine. Выделяю результат и Edit Polygons -› Merge Multiple Edges
Хоть ближайшие ребра кубов выделить можно!
Вот ошибки:
polySewEdge -t 10 -tx 1 -ws 1 -ch 1 polySurface1.e[5] polySurface1.e[20];
// Warning: polySewEdge1 (Poly Sew Edge Node): No edges were merged, for one of the following reasons:
// - the threshold is too small,
// - face normals of faces adjacent to edges being merged point in opposite directions,
// - the edges and/or contained vertices are nonmanifold.
// - the edges belong to different polygon objects.
// You can solve this problem in one of these ways:
// 1) Edit the Threshold,
// 2) Fix up the face normals using Edit Polygons -> Normals,
// 3) Remove nonmanifold edges or vertices using Polygons -> Cleanup,
// 4) Use Edit Polygons -> Merge Vertices as an alternative.
// 5) Use Polygons -> Combine first to create a single object. //
// Warning: No edges were merged. Open Script Editor for details. //
// Result: polySewEdge1 //


Активный участник
На рисунке выше пример, два куба, после combine но без дырок. Они не соединятся после Merge Multiple Edges, но сделать дырки. Показано что удалить. Или у тебя все равно не срабатывает?