Экспорт точек веса, в текстовом формате (помогите)

Здравствуйте, товарищи.
Прошу помощи, в решении следующего вопроса.

Есть модель (человека), с костями и модификатором skin, проблема в экспорте данных. Нужно получить текстовый файл, с индексом точки и его веса к кости. 100% аналог Weight Table в модификаторе skin только в тексте.

Если кто то знает как это сделать, прошу помочь.

С уважением, Олег.


Savin Denis

Модератор форума
Команда форума

-- Written by Sean Soh @ April 2007--
-- Tiny Island Productions --
rollout SkinToolRollout "Skin Tools" width:160 height:315
groupBox grpImpSkin "Import Skin" pos:[0,0] width:160 height:100
label lblImpFile "File:" pos:[10,25] width:30 height:15
button btnImpSKF "Pick Import SkinFile" pos:[40,20] width:110 height:20
checkbox chkVertex "Load By Vertex ID" pos:[20,45] width:130 height:15
button btnImport "Import!!!" pos:[10,70] width:140 height:20

groupBox grpExpSkin "Export Skin" pos:[0,100] width:160 height:215
multilistBox mlbExpBones "Bones:" pos:[5,120] width:150 height:8
button btnExpBoneList "Get Bone List" pos:[70,115] width:80 height:20
label lblExpFile "File:" pos:[10,260] width:30 height:15
button btnExpSKF "Pick Export SkinFile" pos:[40,255] width:110 height:20
button btnExport "Export!!!" pos:[10,280] width:140 height:20

on btnImpSKF pressed do
btnImpSKF.caption = getOpenFileName caption:"Export Skin Files" types:"Skin Files (*.skf)|*.skf|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

on btnImport pressed do
input_name = btnImpSKF.caption
in_file = openFile input_name
if in_file != undefined then
-- loading the bone name, original Bone ID etc
if ((readDelimitedString in_file ":") == "B") then
numImpBones = (readDelimitedString in_file ":") as Integer
tempBoneID = readDelimitedString in_file ";"
tempBoneName = readDelimitedString in_file "\n"

oBoneIDArray = filterString tempBoneID ","
oBoneNameArray = filterString tempBoneName ","
-- Construct the new bone ID mapping array
numBones = skinOps.GetNumberBones $.modifiers[#Skin]
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Skin]
nBoneIDArray = #()

for x = 1 to oBoneIDArray.count do
oBoneIDArray[x] = oBoneIDArray[x] as Integer
for y = 1 to numBones do
nBoneName = skinOps.GetBoneName $.modifiers[#Skin] y 1
if (nBoneName == oBoneNameArray[x]) then
nBoneIDArray = append nBoneIDArray y
-- loading vertex skinning info
while not eof in_file do
vID = (readDelimitedString in_file ":") as Integer
vBoneCount = (readDelimitedString in_file ":") as Integer
vWeighting = readDelimitedString in_file "\n"

tempBoneIDArray = #()
tempBoneWeightArray = #()
temptotalweight = 0.0
tempVertexWeight = filterString vWeighting ",;"

-- construct temp array for holding vertex skinning data in new skin
for x = 1 to vBoneCount do
print tempVertexWeight[x]
oBoneID = tempVertexWeight[x * 2 - 1] as Integer
oBoneWeight = tempVertexWeight[x * 2] as Float

nBoneIDInd = finditem oBoneIDArray oBoneID
tempBoneIDArray = append tempBoneIDArray nBoneIDArray[nBoneIDInd]
tempBoneWeightArray = append tempBoneWeightArray oBoneWeight
temptotalweight += oBoneWeight

-- load in the current vertex weighting
cBoneCount = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount $.modifiers[#Skin] vID

cBoneIDArray = #()
cBoneWeightArray = #()
ctemptotalweight = 0

-- construct the retained weight part
for x = 1 to cBoneCount do
cBoneID = skinOps.GetVertexWeightBoneID $.modifiers[#Skin] vID x
if ((findItem tempBoneIDArray cBoneID) == 0) then
cBoneIDArray = append cBoneIDArray cBoneID
cBoneWeight = skinOps.GetVertexWeight $.modifiers[#Skin] vID x
cBoneWeightArray = append cBoneWeightArray cBoneWeight
ctemptotalweight += cBoneWeight

-- readjust the weighting
for x = 1 to cBoneIDArray.count do
cBoneWeightArray[x] = (cBoneWeightArray[x] / ctemptotalweight) * (1 - temptotalweight)
-- joint the array
newBoneIDArray = cBoneIDArray + tempBoneIDArray
newBoneWeightArray = cBoneWeightArray + tempBoneWeightArray

-- finally set weight!!!
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights $.modifiers[#Skin] vID newBoneIDArray newBoneWeightArray
on btnExpBoneList pressed do
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Skin]
numBones = skinOps.GetNumberBones $.modifiers[#Skin]
for y = 1 to numBones do
tempBoneName = skinOps.GetBoneName $.modifiers[#Skin] y 1
mlbExpBones.items = append mlbExpBones.items tempBoneName
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[1]

on btnExpSKF pressed do
btnExpSKF.caption = getSaveFileName caption:"Export Skin Files" types:"Skin Files (*.skf)|*.skf|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"

on btnExport pressed do
output_name = btnExpSKF.caption
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.modifiers[#Skin]

if output_name != undefined then
output_file = createfile output_name
numBones = mlbExpBones.selection.count
numExpBones = mlbExpBones.selection.numberset
numVerts = skinOps.GetNumberVertices $.modifiers[#Skin]
selVerts = #()
selBones = #()
selBonesName = #()

-- create vertex collection flag array
selVerts.count = numVerts

-- cycle thru the system bones list, construct Verts list
for x = 1 to numBones do
-- if this bone is being selected for export
if mlbExpBones.selection[x] == true then
-- record the selected bone ID & name
append selBones x
append selBonesName mlbExpBones.items[x]

-- select the bone, and the affected vertice that's gonna export out
skinOps.selectBone $.modifiers[#Skin] x
skinOps.selectVerticesByBone $.modifiers[#Skin]

-- go thru the vertices see if they are selected, and marked them to export later on
for y in 1 to numVerts do
if (skinOps.IsVertexSelected $.modifiers[#Skin] y) == 1 then
selVerts[y] = 1
format "B:%:" numExpBones to:output_file
for x = 1 to numExpBones do
format "%," selBones[x] to:output_file
format ";" to:output_file
for x = 1 to numExpBones do
format "%," selBonesName[x] to:output_file
format "\n" to:output_file
for x = 1 to numVerts do
if selVerts[x] == 1 then
selBoneCount = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount $.modifiers[#Skin] x
ExpBoneCount = 0
selBoneString = ""

for y = 1 to selBoneCount do
selBoneID = skinOps.GetVertexWeightBoneID $.modifiers[#Skin] x y
selBoneWeight = skinOps.GetVertexWeight $.modifiers[#Skin] x y

if ((findItem selBones selBoneID) > 0) then
ExpBoneCount += 1
selBoneString = selBoneString + (selBoneID as String) + "," + (selBoneWeight as String) + ";"
format "%:%:" x ExpBoneCount to:output_file
format "%" selBoneString to:output_file
format "\n" to:output_file
close output_file
edit output_name
SKF_Floater = newRolloutFloater "Tiny Skin Tools" 180 345
addRollout SkinToolRollout SKF_Floater


Пользователь сайта
100% аналог Weight Table в модификаторе skin только в тексте.
max modify mode
skinOps.saveEnvelopeAsASCII $.modifiers[#Skin] 	"C:\\tmp.txt"
Меш должен быть выделен. Если в сцене больше одного меша, дописать циклы не проблема.
И все дела :0)