Добавить ещё один манипулятор (radius) в модификатор

Владислав Бодюл

Активный участник
Я тут недавно впервые попробовал написать деформер. В общем как я понял, если в блоке Parameters присутствует параметр с именем Radius, то в модификаторе появляется манипулятор для управления этим радиусом, при условии что в максе нажата кнопка Select and Manipulate.

Вопрос: Можно ли как-то добавить ещё один манипулятор? Ведь имя Radius уже занято.

На всякий случай код.
author: Bodyul Vladislav
plugin simpleMod SwirlingMod
classID:#(0x1dad978f, 0x4fd0f4ba)
    parameters main rollout:params
        RotX type:#float ui:RotX_spn default:180
        RotY type:#float ui:RotY_spn default:0
        RotZ type:#float ui:RotZ_spn default:0
        radius type:#float ui:Radius_spn default:50
        falloffVal type:#float ui:Falloff_spn default:1
    rollout params "Parameters"
        groupbox grp1 "Angle" pos:[8,8] width:146 height:85
            spinner RotX_spn "X: "  pos:[62,27] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
            spinner RotY_spn "Y: " pos:[62,48] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
            spinner RotZ_spn "Z: " pos:[62,69] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
        groupbox grp2 "Radius" pos:[8,100] width:146 height:64
            spinner Radius_spn "Radius: " pos:[36,119] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,50] scale:0.25
            spinner Falloff_spn "Falloff: " pos:[38,140] type:#float range:[0,1000,1] scale:0.01
        hyperlink url_hp "Bodyul Vladislav" pos:[45,170] address:"" color:(color 0 170 230) hovercolor:(color 0 170 230) visitedcolor:(color 0 170 230)
    on map i p do
        local dist = (distance p center)
        local val = (radius - dist)
        if val < 0 then val = 0
        local percent = (100. / radius * (pow radius (falloffVal + 1))) / 100.
        val = (pow val (falloffVal + 1)) / percent
        p *= (eulerangles (val * RotX / radius) (val * RotY / radius) (val * RotZ / radius)) as quat


Можно ли как-то добавить ещё один манипулятор?
Да. Scripted Manipulators
author: Bodyul Vladislav
plugin simpleMod SwirlingMod
classID:#(0x1dad978f, 0x4fd0f4ba)
    parameters main rollout:params
        RotX type:#float ui:RotX_spn default:180
        RotY type:#float ui:RotY_spn default:0
        RotZ type:#float ui:RotZ_spn default:0
        radiusVal type:#float ui:Radius_spn default:50
        falloffVal type:#float ui:Falloff_spn default:1
    rollout params "Parameters"
        groupbox grp1 "Angle" pos:[8,8] width:146 height:85
            spinner RotX_spn "X: "  pos:[62,27] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
            spinner RotY_spn "Y: " pos:[62,48] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
            spinner RotZ_spn "Z: " pos:[62,69] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,0] scale:0.5
        groupbox grp2 "Radius" pos:[8,100] width:146 height:64
            spinner Radius_spn "Radius: " pos:[36,119] type:#float range:[-100000,100000,50] scale:0.25
            spinner Falloff_spn "Falloff: " pos:[38,140] type:#float range:[0,1000,1] scale:0.01
        hyperlink url_hp "Bodyul Vladislav" pos:[45,170] address:"" color:(color 0 170 230) hovercolor:(color 0 170 230) visitedcolor:(color 0 170 230)
    on map i p do
        local dist = (distance p center)
        local val = (radiusVal - dist)
        if val < 0 then val = 0
        local percent = (100. / radiusVal * (pow radiusVal (falloffVal + 1))) / 100.
        val = (pow val (falloffVal + 1)) / percent
        p *= (eulerangles (val * RotX / radiusVal) (val * RotY / radiusVal) (val * RotZ / radiusVal)) as quat

-- Generic radius manipulator
-- Written by Scott Morrison
-- This manipulator sets the radius on any object or modifier with
-- a parameter named "radius". It creates a circle gizmo of the appropriate
-- radius centered at the origin in the XY plane.
plugin simpleManipulator falloffValmanip
-- Create the green and red colors for the gizmo
local g = [0, 1, 0], r = [1, 0, 0]
-- This manipulator manipulates any node with a "radius" property
on canManipulate target do
if classof target == SwirlingMod then
return ((findItem (getPropNames target) #falloffVal) != 0 and (findItem (getPropNames target) #radiusVal) != 0)
-- Create the manipulator gizmo.
-- This is called initially and whenever the manipulator target changes
on updateGizmos do
if classof target == SwirlingMod then
-- Clear the current gizmo cache
-- Set the radius of circle gizmo a little bigger than the target radius
giz_radiusVal=manip.makeCircle [0,0,0] (target.radiusVal* 1.01) 28
giz_falloffVal=manip.makeCircle [0,0,0] (target.falloffVal * 1.01) 28
-- Add the circle to the manipulator
this.addGizmoShape giz_radiusVal 0 g r
this.addGizmoShape giz_falloffVal 0 g r
-- return the ToolTip string
--return + " radius = " + target.radius as string 
)--if classof target == SwirlingMod then
-- mouseMove is called on every mouse move when dragging the manip
-- It needs to convert the mouse position 'm' into a new value for the radius
on mouseMove m which do
if classof target == SwirlingMod then
-- Create the XY plane. 
-- manip.makePlaneFromNormal takes a normal vector and a point
-- and creates a plane passing through the point with the given normal
local pl = manip.makePlaneFromNormal z_axis [0, 0, 0],
projectedPoint = [0,0,0]
-- Compute the hit-ray in local coordinates
viewRay = this.getLocalViewRay m
-- Intersect the plane with the view ray
res = pl.intersect viewRay &projectedPoint
-- If the intersection worked, set the radius
if (res) then 
if which==0 then target.radiusVal = (length projectedPoint) / 1.01
if which==1 then target.falloffVal = (length projectedPoint) / 1.01
)--if (res) then 
)--if classof target == SwirlingMod then
)--on mouseMove m which do