DAZ Bryce 7 Beta доступна для тестирования.

Версия DAZ Bryce 7 Beta доступна для тестирования бесплатно всем, кто купил предыдущую версию DAZ Bryce 6.3.

Все подробности можно узнать здесь.

Из нововведений DAZ Bryce 7 Beta можно отметить объёмные облака и эко систему.

В последующих выпусках вета-версий будут добавлены Лаборатория Растений и конвертор между DAZ Bryce 7 и DAZ Studio 3.


Работа в новой Instancing lab

Here is instruction for Instancing lab (IL).

To run IL you should select any object and press "I" button on an icon tower near the object (pic1).

IL consists of two tabs, Painter and Brush editor. Painter tab allows you to paint objects, Brush editor allows you to create a brush from several objects.

Painter tab (pic2):
Painter tab has 5 main components:
* Brush source combobox choses an object to paint with, all objects from the scene, except objects that have parents will be shown in this list. This is done to keep list clean.
* Brush parameters regulate how new objects distributed when you paint with brush. Size is a brush radius, density sets the number of objects you get, randomness/seed regulate displacement of objects from the regular position etc.
The brush model is called a "phyllotactic". The term describes the arrangement of elements widely found in nature. New brush models coming soon...
* Preview.
* Toolbar. Has four tools: pan and zoom move target object in main viewport, paint and erase tools are used for painting and erasing objects.
* Paint viewport, here you can paint objects on selected target. Target is shown as a red wireframe. To start painting click on paint tool and use left mouse button to place objects, you also can modify click effect by holding ctrl or alt keys.
If Ctrl is held painted objects are used for collision detection, so you can paint one object above the other one and create a pile, for example.
If Alt is held new objects are aligned to normal.

Brush editor (pic3):
Brush editor consists of four parts:
* Brush components combobox selects objects which will be part of mixed brush, you can select one or more. Like brush source it has objects from scene which does not have parents, but you can select more than one.
* Component parameters define how selected component behaves in the mixed brush. Double slider scale sets minimum and maximum scale of painted objects, rotation sets minimum and maximum rotation angle, random seed defines a start for random sequence and proportion defines how often this component will appear when you paint with a mixed brush.
* Preview of a currently selected component
* Pie chart is a control which allows you to adjust component proportions visually and select a component to regulate by sliders on the right. To change proportions with pie chart just left-click on a component and drag it with mouse up and down.

When you edit a mixed brush you will see one more item in a painter's combobox: "mixed brush", it will be already selected, so you can just paint with brush created.

Пример работы в Instancing lab со случайным масштабированием в сочетании с поворотом за несколько щелчков мыши.
