Bryce 5.1

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The Bryce 5.01 update includes the following enhancements:

The bitmap sequence output can now render more than one frame of a network rendered animation. Please note: images are not assembled and are not visible until the animation render has been completed (это отностися к отдельному апдейту Lightning)

Metaballs and grouping workflows have been stabilized (фиг знает, что они имели в виду)

The camera tracking feature has been improved

The clipping bracket in the Terrain Editor functions reliably (гм)

Anomalous pixels that appeared at the top of the Terrain Canvas have been removed (это хорошо. правда, в 4 версии их не было ;-)

The Light Lab functions smoothly when animation is manipulated in that arena

Update and feedback in the Network Render Manager has been substantially improved (тоже Lightning)

The Depth of Field and Panoramic rendering functions are more compatible with each other (кто-нибудь так делал?

Artifacts no longer appear on transparent objects when using lights that have soft shadows (хотя оптика у них по-прежнему СТРАННАЯ)