а нужен ли бонус тулс???

Люди подскажите мне, а надо ли качать и ставить все эти 3с версии и бонус тулсы???
Год назад я купил компашку с Риной 3 и Фламингой 1.1, Рина без Фламинги работала нормально, с Фламингой при назначении материалов - зависало. Я пропатчил там чем-то Фламингу и зависать вроде перестало. Сейчас я опять купил компашку с Риной SR 3 и Фламингой 1.1. После установки все работает нормально, глюков незамечено, все операции проходят корректно. Фламинга потеряла тулбарс, больше я не вижу кактусов и прочей растительной бороды, но зато рендерит правильно. Я сравнил размер каталогов старой и новой Фламинги, он не изменился =О. Не понял как такое может быть, но пользуюсь без деревьев, пофигу...
Из-за прокси ограничений и лимитов по объему я не могу взять 3с, а на мою бонус тулсы не ставятся, так может оно и нафиг не надо??? Чем Рина с бонус тулсами лучше? Че там исправлено, у меня вроде и так все прямо?
Подскажите зеленому, блин.
Спасибо, что прочитали и благодарю за ответы =)


Активный участник
What's New - 3.0 Service Release 3c (21-Apr-2004)

New Features:
PluginLoadProtection: The PluginLoadProtection command lets you specify plug-ins that may be causing problems. You are notified when the plug-in tries to load, and can decide whether or not to allow it to load. This will help diagnose whether a problem is related to a specific plug-in. command

Bug Fixes:
ApplyCrv: Did not leave the output selected. This is fixed.
ArrayCrv: A flaw that caused inaccurate spacing has been fixed.
Audit3dmFile: A new option AuditPlugInData to audit plugin data has been added.
BooleanDifference: Created a bad object in some circumstances. This is fixed.
BoundingBox: Failed with curves and text. This is fixed.
ChangeLayer: Changing an object to a locked layer incorrectly displayed the object as selected. This is fixed.
ClosestPt: A crash bug with a curve on the surface and the surface has been fixed.
Digitize: Romer digitizer only allowed point probes. This is fixed.
DupBorder: Did not pay attention to the surface normal.
Ellipse: Vertical option added.
ExtrudeCrv and ExtrudeSrf: Do not autocomplete. This is fixed.
ExtrudeCrv: Solid tapered extrude with sharp corners created a bad object. This is fixed.
Fillet: Filleting with radius 0 created unexpected results in some cases. This is fixed.
Fin: A lockup bug has been fixed.
MeshBox: Backfaces did not shade. This is fixed.
Import: Drag and Drop did not prompt for a scale change. This is fixed.
STEP: Several bugs in STEP import and export have been fixed.
Layer dialog box: A crash when dragging the layer dialog box has been fixed.
Layout: A crash bug and other more minor problems have been fixed.
License Manager: A problem with low-level user checking out licenses has been fixed.
Line: "2Curves" option has been added to Line Tangent and Line Perpendicular. The behavior and prompts are identical to LineTT and LinePP in V2.
Line: In the Perpendicular option an unnecessary extra mouse click has been fixed.
Make2D: A crash when using Blocks has been fixed.
Make2D: A crash bug has been fixed.
Mesh: The Weld control has been removed. Welding did not do anything, but the control was still there.
Added to Bonus Tools Help.
Open 3DM: When Rhino 3.0 opens Rhino 1.1 .3dm files that have hidden or locked objects in them, the objects can be recovered by turning on the Hidden layer, and unlocking the Locked layer. But all objects on those layers lost their "original layers". This is fixed.
Plug-in dialog box: A problem with plug-in error dialog boxes staying behind the Rhino splash screen has been fixed.
Open SafeMode: Now prompts to load plugins.
IGES Import: The units were not being properly set when a file was imported. This is fixed.
Import OBJ: Importing FormZ Mac files caused a crash. This is fixed.
Open OBJ: Failed on Windows 98. This has been fixed.
Open STL: Failed on Windows 98. This has been fixed.
Crash when adding search path to Options has been fixed.
Endpoint osnap: The Endpoint object snap failed on corners of kinked single surfaces and curves. This is fixed.
Int Osnap: Did not work reliably when there were several overlapping curves at the intersection. This is fixed.
Patch: In cases using curves with Automatic Trim on failed. This is fixed.
Trim: Scripting the AutomaticTrim option did not work properly. This is fixed.
Patch: Failed with AutomaticTrim through a group of points. This is fixed.
Surface editing: A problem that was adding unnecessary distortion during control point dragging has been fixed.
Popup toolbar: Did not work correctly during a command. This is fixed.
RenderedViewport: Objects like curves and annotations could incorrectly be selected even if they are not visible in the RenderedViewport. This is fixed.

Open: Normal users get an "Unable to create application registry key" when starting Rhino 3 SR3. This is fixed.
Save, SaveAs, Export: A new scripting option SavePlugInData has been added. Set to No to save the Rhino file with no plug-in data attached.
Split: Several crash bugs have been fixed.
Several problems with toolbar locations changing have been fixed.
Sweep2 didn't allow the Closed option to be scripted. This is now fixed.
Toolbars: Tapered extrude added to Extrude toolbars.
UnrollSrf: A bug that created a bad object has been fixed.
UnrollSrf: Text dots and points added to things that can get unrolled with a surface.
UnrollSrf: An accuracy problem has been fixed.
UnrollSrf: New command line option to display difference in area.
Weld: It was not possible to weld selected mesh vertices like V2. This is fixed in MeshTools.

What's New - 3.0 Service Release 3b (9-Dec-2003)

Bug Fixes:
Korean service release installer now works with locked English CD-Keys.
IGES export failed to write entity 514 (shell). This is now fixed.
STL export didn't allow scripting of detailed mesh options. This is now fixed.
Extrude command and associated toolbar buttons didn't work correctly. This is now fixed.
В бонус тулз имеются некоторые новые команды из Rhino 4. Надо вам это или нет - не знаю. Я иной раз пользуюсь такими вещами как VariableOffsetSurface, ExtrudeCurveNormal to Surface и некоторыми другими. Так что может и пригодиться.