Данные о нововведениях в FumeFX2.1

What’s new in 2.1

FumeFX now supports fully interactive simulations. That means that you can change almost every parameter during the simulation and see it's influence on the simulation result. It is even possible to change what channels will be saved to the output file, or to move objects and change their parameters.

This version introduces variable density solver that uses smoke density and temperature as variables. The result of this addition is increased physical realism, where cold air and denser smoke will have stronger inertia compared to the hot air and lower density smoke.

New is also the CFL condition parameter that directly controls the number of simulation steps. This is the value that defines the maximum distance allowed for any cell data (velocity, smoke, fire, etc..) to travel in one simulation step. If velocities are bigger then defined by this condition, simulation sub steps will be initiated.

We have also added new advection scheme that reduces dissipation and preserves detail.

- finalRender 3.5 Global Illumination is now up to 6x faster !

- Preview Window now prints out 3ds max frame number.

- Ability to stop/continue the Retimer.


- Gravity parameter from previous version is now moved to Smoke rollout and is named Smoke Buoyancy.

- Smoke and Fuel Buoyancies have to be <0 to make them fall. Smoke Buoyancy can be >0 which will make smoke to rise.

- Buoyancy param. from previous versions is now moved to the Temperature tab and is named Temperature Buoyancy.


- Files bigger than 2GB caused file reading error.

- Improved cubic interpolation.

- Retimer flickering when smoke source was set to add densities to the grid.

- Preview Window not finishing rendering topmost rows.

- Vorticity 0 can cause artifacts.

- Canceling Retimer can cause crash.

- Canceling retimer with ESC key might prevent starting retimer again.

- Retimer in SL mode didn't pop up progress dialog.

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